Bromcom w-Timetable Please see link below to download a manual on how to use the w-Timetable module. Related guides: w-Timetable
How to Create a New Project The Project Wizard will guide you through six steps to create a Project. A Project contains the following information to...
How to Edit, Copy or Delete a Project This article looks at the following functions in wTimetable Projects The minimum permissions required to create a Project are found...
How to Create and Edit a Timetable This article looks at the following functions within wTimetable The minimum permissions required to create a Timetable are found in...
How to manage Relationships in Timetables Use this guide to manage the Relationships tab within a Timetable. The Relationships page allows you to assign Staff and...
How to manage Subject Information in wTimetable After creating a Timetable within a Project this guide looks at the Subject Information tab within the Timetable. The Subject...
How to manage Staffing in wTimetable After creating a Timetable within a Project this guide looks at the Staffing tab within the Timetable. The Staffing page...
How to manage Block Planning in wTimetable After creating a Timetable within a Project this guide looks at the Block Planning tab within the Timetable. The Block...