Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
A Category is a way to group Events in Pathways and then link to Actions. Once created, it will be available to use in Behaviour Pathways.
See also How to Create an Action. How to Create a New Event and How to Set Up Pathways
From Config select Behaviour and click Categories.
To create a New Category click New.
Complete the fields for the Category:
• Name – this can be up to 10 characters in length
• Description – this can be up to 30 characters in length
• Start Date – date the Action will start from
• End Date – add a Date if you want it to expire after a certain Date
▪ All will apply this Action to all areas, meaning that this Action can be achieved by an Accumulation of Points over all Subjects and Departments
▪ Subject student Points will be accumulated on an individual basis, for each Subject
▪ Departments student Points will be accumulated on an individual basis, for each Department
Complete the fields for the Referrals:
• Refer to – select the Member(s) of Staff to whom recipients of this Action will be referred. Note: When selecting an area specific Role (such as Head of Year/Subject) only Actions with relation to that specific area will be referred
• Staff Name – select a member of Staff who is not represented by any of the available options. You can select them manually using the Staff Name search
When finished click the Create button. Once this action is created it is now available to use in Behaviour Pathways.