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  4. Staff Absences
  5. How to Create and Manage Staff Absence using Cover

How to Create and Manage Staff Absence using Cover

Here we will cover how to Add and Edit Staff Absences using the Cover module.

Access: The minimum permissions required for Staff Absences in Cover are found in the Cover Module of Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions.


See also: How To Record Staff Absence

Add Staff Absences

Go to Modules > Cover > Staff Absences.


To create a new Staff Absence click the New button.

Select one or more Members of Staff from the Staff Selector list and click Done.

Note: you can select multiple Staff if they have the same Reason of Absence.

This will open the Record Absence pop-up.

Add the Absence information using the dropdown option.

  • Absent For – from the dropdown list select the time period for the Absence
  • Start Date – this will default to the Current Date and Time and can be changed if required
  • End Date – this will default to the Current Date and Time and can be changed if required
  • DfE Duration – this will automatically populate based on the Start and End Date of the Absence and can also be changed manually
  • Hours Lost – this is the Number of Working Hours lost
  • Reason – from the dropdown list select the Reason for the Absence
  • Illness Category – selected from the dropdown list
  • Attachments – can be added by clicking the Browse button and uploading a file
  • Notes – add any additional Free Text Notes if required

Click the Save button to save.

Tip: Staff can also be added as Absent from the Arrange Cover page. Simply right click on the name of the person to be made Absent and from the context menu select Add Staff as Absent.

Note: This will also update the Staff Absence in the Administration module and the Staff Absences in the Cover module, so it does not have to be entered again.

This will open the Record Absence pop-up. Complete the same as before and click Save when finished.

To Edit Staff Absence either go to the individual Staff Record and select Absences from the left hand menu, click on the Absence to Edit and amend as required.

Alternatively go to Modules > Cover > Staff Absences. Select the Absence to edit and click Edit. Save to complete.

Edit Staff Absences

If a staff member has been added as absent for the complete day (or a large part of the day), and the Arrange Cover screen has been saved and you need to amend the absence, best practice is to delete the original absence from Modules>Cover>Staff Absences and start again to ensure the cover screen shows the correct absence.

Once you have deleted and re-created the Staff Absence refresh the Arrange Cover screen to ensure the Staff Absence shows correctly.

Updated on May 7, 2024

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