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  5. How to Import Access Arrangements in Bulk

How to Import Access Arrangements in Bulk

In this guide we’ll look at how Bulk Import Access Arrangements including how to create the File to be Imported as well as using the Access Arrangement Import Wizard in the Student List page.

Access: The minimum permissions to access Access Arrangement Import can be found in the Framework module from within Config> Setup > Roles & Permissions.


See Also: How to Manage Access Arrangements, and How to Merge Special Requirements with Access Arrangements.

Creating an Import File

To Import Access Arrangements in Bulk you will first need to set up the File to be Imported. The File needs to follow a set format, with specific column headings for the Import to be successful. A Template File with the correct headings can be downloaded using the below link.

Note: the Admissions Number and UPN must be one of the first four columns

Access Arrangement Import Template

Using the above File as a Template, fill in the required Student information:

  • Last Name – This should match exactly the Legal Last Name that you hold for that Student within Bromcom.
  • First Name – This should match exactly the Legal First Name that you hold for that Student within Bromcom.
  • Admission Number – Enter the Students Admission Number. This column should contain only numerical characters, including any leading zeros.
  • UPN – Enter a valid UPN. This should be a 13 Digit Alphanumeric value.
  • Gender – Enter either Male or Female (M or F will not be accepted.)
  • Year Group – Enter the Students current Year Group.
  • Tutor Group – Enter the Students current Tutor Group.

Once you’ve entered the Student information, enter the information relating to the Access Arrangements.

  • Exam Number – This is not a required field. If the Access arrangements are Exam specific you can enter the Exam Number here.
  • Application Date -Enter the Date the Application was made for the Access Arrangements. The field must be Date Formatted.
  • Application Reference – Enter the Application Reference Number, this can be left blank however, the column must be in the Template.
  • Application Status – Enter the Application Status, this can be Approved, Pending, Referred or Rejected.
  • Start Date – Enter the Date the Access Arrangement becomes active. The field must be Date Formatted.
  • End Date – Enter the Date the Access Arrangement expires. The field must be Date Formatted, this is not required for Discretionary Access Arrangements.
  • Over 25% Extra Time – this is a required column but does not have to be populated

Next, for each of the Students enter Yes against any of the Access Arrangements that apply. The only exception to this is the Over 25% Extra Time column, in this column you enter the percentage of Extra Time allowed for that student as a number. For example, if that student gets 50% Extra Time you would enter 50.

The below is an example of how a completed Import File might look.

Example File

Once you’re happy with your Import File, save it ensuring that the File Type is CSV.

Access Arrangement Import

To Import your file go to the Student List Page, then select Actions and Access Arrangement Import.


Select File and Match Mandatory Fields

In the pop-up that appears, click on Select a File.

Select a File

This will open your Files, find the CSV File you created, select it and click Open. The File will then appear in the pop-up, select Upload Files.

Upload File

Once the File has uploaded successfully you will be prompted to map the columns in the File to the fields within Bromcom. If you used the Template and haven’t changed the column headings then most of these will fill automatically, the only field you will need to map is the Over 25% Extra Time field.

If you have changed the column headings or it does not fill automatically, just select the option from the drop down that most closely matches the field in Bromcom, as per the following image.

Once you have made your selections click Save & Next.

Mandatory Fields

Online Access Arrangements

This will take you to the Online Access Arrangements screen. Here you will match the columns on the CSV File to Online Access Arrangements. Select Add New Record to begin mapping.

IMPORTANT : Online Access Arrangements are a fixed list and cannot be added to.

Note: Each column can only be mapped once across the Online Access Arrangements page, the Other Access Arrangements page and the Discretionary Access Arrangements page, they do not all need to be added in this section.

Online Access Arrangements

Select the first Online Access Arrangement in the Online Access Arrangement dropdown.

Online Access Arrangement Dropdown

Then, in the Column to Import dropdown, select the corresponding column from the CSV File.

Column to Import Dropdown

Once you’re happy click the Tick in the Actions column to Save.


Repeat this process until you have mapped all required Online Access Arrangements to their corresponding columns. Once you’re happy, click Save & Next.

Save & Next

Other Access Arrangements

Next, on the Other Access Arrangements screen, click Add New Record to start mapping Other Access Arrangements.

IMPORTANT : Other Access Arrangements are a fixed list and cannot be added to with the EXCEPTION of Temporary Arrangement you can create Temporary Arrangements in Config>Administration>Lookup Tables>Exam Temporary Arrangements

Other Access Arrangements

Select the first of your required Other Access Arrangements in the Other Access Arrangements dropdown.

Other Access Arrangements Dropdown

Then select the corresponding column from the CSV File from the Column to Import dropdown.

Column to Import

Once you’re happy, click the Tick in the Actions column to Confirm.


Repeat the process until you have mapped all the required Other Access Arrangements to the corresponding columns. Once you’re happy, click Save & Next.

Save & Next

Discretionary Access Arrangements

On the Discretionary Access Arrangements page, click Add New Record to start mapping your Discretionary Access Arrangements.

You can add Discretionary Access Arrangements in Config>Administration>Lookup Tables>Exam Discretionary Arrangements

Discretionary Access Arrangements

Start by selecting the first required Discretionary Access Arrangement from the dropdown.

Discretionary Access Arrangements Dropdown

Next, select the corresponding column from the Column to Import dropdown.

Column to Importt

Once you’re happy click the Tick in the Actions column to Confirm.


Repeat this process until you have added all required Discretionary Access Arrangements. Once you’re happy click Save & Next.

Save & Next

Review and Import

On the Review and Import screen you will see a summary of the mappings, double check the mappings. If they are correct, click Validate & Import. If you need to make changes, you can click Back to go back through the wizard and make any necessary amendments.

Review and Import

At this stage, if there are any problems with the Import File, you will see a list of the rows that are causing Errors, along with how you can resolve them. If you see Errors, you will need to resolve the Errors in the File, then re-upload the updated File and complete the mapping process again.


If there are no problems with the Import File, you will see the following message, click Proceed.


You’ll then see a message confirming that the Import has completed successfully. Click OK.


Finally, you’ll see a summary of the Access Arrangements that have been Imported. Click Close to complete the process.

Successfully imported access arrangements
Updated on January 22, 2025

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