In this guide, we will show you how to import and export Cost Centres and Ledger Links in the MAT Finance Module.
Access: The minimum permissions required to carry out this task are found in the Finance Module of Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions.

Go to Config > Finance > Import/Export.

The Import/Export page displays three buttons:
Export button
- This will simply export all the active in use Cost Centres or Ledger Links for the active Financial Year that the user is working in.
- This will export in CSV format and give the user a summary of how many rows have been exported.
- Users will have the ability to change the filename before saving the file.
Analysis button
- When clicking this button, the user selects a file and this will load in the File Analysis grid at the bottom of the screen.
Note: Switching to a different Selected Data Area (Cost Centre or Ledger Link) will reset the grid.
Import button
- When clicking this button, the user selects a file and this will load in the File Analysis grid at the bottom of the screen.
- Once Import has been clicked, all three buttons Analysis, Import, and Export become disabled.
- When clicking Go, users will see a pop up asking if they are sure they want to continue importing data from the file, and that this process cannot be undone.
- Once completed, a popup summary is displayed telling the user how many rows were processed, how many new items were created, updated, ignored, and had no changes.
- Note: Switching to a different Selected Data Area (Cost Centre or Ledger Link) will reset the grid. If users want to exclude rows from the imported file, they will need to delete them from the source file before selecting them to Import. The order that users Import files might be important if entries in one file rely on data that will be imported from another. Ledger Links – users will need to select Y or N to hide all pre-existing links that are not in the import file.