Use this article to learn about Access Levels and Permissions within HR & Performance Management located in the Administration Module.
- Access Levels and Permissions are used to define what Staff can see and what tasks they can perform in their own and other Staff Profiles.
- For example a Line Manager may want a different view of Staff Profiles than a team member, or a member of the HR team may need to see personal information for all employees.
IMPORTANT: Line Management and Staff Units are used for the approval process, for example a Line Manager can approve leave requests from a certain Staff Unit, whereas Access Levels and Permissions are used to define what Staff can see in their own and other Staff Profiles.
Access: the minimum permissions required to access Access Levels and Permissions is found in the Administration Module from Config>Set Up>Roles and Permissions.

See also HR & Performance Management & How to Set Up Staff Profile Self Serve.
Go to Modules>Administration>HR & Performance Management>Access Levels and Permissions

View & Edit Access Levels
In the example below three Access Levels have already been created, the grid shows Access Level, Number of Staff, Active Status and Edit.
- Click the Pencil icon in the far right column to Edit the Access Level
- You also have the option using Grid Actions to Copy, Export or Print the list of Access Levels.
- Click on the column headers to Sort the columns if required.
- You can also see how many staff members (12 in the example below) who have not been assigned and Access Level, click on the i to see the names of the staff.
- Note: Staff can only be in one Access Level at a time.

Click on any Access Level to see the Assigned Staff with the option to add Staff to the Access Level.

Then use the bottom left Select Staff to search and add Staff.

Add Access Level
To add a new Access Level click the top right + icon

In the Add/Edit Access Levels pop up type in the Access Level Name* (fields marked with an *asterisk must be completed in order to save the record)
Enter an Access Level Description of required.
Active is toggled ON by default, you may wish to toggle Active OFF in the example you are preparing Access Levels to be used in the future.

Click Next
In this panel you will see the top toggle to define Access Levels When Viewing Themselves (default toggled on) or When Viewing Others

You will then see all the tabs for the various areas of the Staff Profile and by default all areas have the Permission Level set to No Access

In this example we are going to move the top left toggle to When Viewing Others
Now you will see the drop down choice Staff with this Access Level can view the data below for No One, Direct Reports, Direct and Indirect Reports, Specific Staff Units or Specific Employees.

In this example we are going to choose Specific Staff Units and then choose Teachers as the HR Team Access Level we created earlier in this guide need to be able to see information for all Teachers.

Then simply click on the drop down choices for each Permission Level and define the Permission Level, for example View Only, Edit, Edit – Approval Required or No Access.
The drop down choices may vary dependant on the item chosen.

When you are happy with the Permissions set click Finish.