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  4. How to manage Expanded Blocks in Curriculum Plan.

How to manage Expanded Blocks in Curriculum Plan.

Within the Curriculum Plan tab within a Timetable use Expanded Blocks to perform the following tasks;

The minimum permissions required to create a Timetable are found in the Timetable Module from Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions > Choose Role>Edit>Timetable > Timetable App.


For more information on wTimetable see here and see What’s New for latest updates.

Go to Modules>wTimetable>Projects>Click on Project to see the Timetable panel with the tabs below. Click on Curriculum Plan.

When a Block is Expanded the user will find more functionality. Expand the Block by clicking on the two arrows.

Edit Block Code and Name

Double click on the Code or Name to make any amendments, and click the tick to finish.

Edit Number of Classes and Periods in a Block

Edit the number of Classes, and Periods and click Apply.

Note: increasing the Period count of a scheduled Block will generate a new unscheduled Period in Linear and Options Blocks.

Manage Periods

Left-click on the Period header (or select multiple Period headers using the right-click first) to:

  • Delete selected period(s) from this subject – delete the selected Period from this Block.
  • Unschedule this Period – unschedules all the sessions for the selected Period.

Manage Subjects

  • Add Subjects to expanded Blocks – simply drag and drop the Subject from the Subject side panel into the Drag here space in the expanded Block.
  • Add Subjects to expanded Complex Blocks – drag and drop the Subject from the side panel into the Subject header, Class header (fills up all of the free sessions within the class with the selected Subject), or Period header (fills up all of the free sessions within the Period with the selected Subject). E.g., class header example, Period 1 and Period 3 for class C3 will fill up with Chemistry.
  • Left click on the Subject Code to:
    • Add a period to this subject – adds another Period for that Subject only, this may create a Free session.
    • Edit classcodes for the Subject see Settings > Class Name Definitions > Edit classcodes.
    • Unschedule this subject Linear Blocks only. Unschedules all the sessions for the selected Subject.
    • Swap subjects – Unscheduled Complex Block single Subjects only. Right click on the first Subject, right click on the second Subject, then left click on either Subject and select Swap subjects.
    • Delete this subject.

Manage Classes

Click on the three dots in the Class row to bulk edit:

  • Remove from these sessions – remove Staff and Rooms.
  • Edit classcodes for the class – see Settings > Class Name Definitions > Edit classcodes.
  • Clear these sessions – clears both Staff and Rooms.
  • Un-schedule these sessions – Linear Blocks only. Un-schedules the whole Block not just the class .
  • Add class(es) – select the number of classes to add to that Block. See Curriculum Plan > Expanded Blocks > Manage Classes > Add classes to Blocks that already have a scheduled Period further on in this guide.
  • Remove class

Add classes to Blocks that already have a scheduled Period

  • For Simple, Option, and Complex Blocks: The newly added Classes get the same scheduling information as the Classes in the same Period.
  • For Linear Blocks: The newly added Classes do not get scheduling information automatically. However, on the Scheduling page the already scheduled classes’ placeholders will automatically update to the new class count

Click on the individual Class to:

  • Remove from this session – remove Staff and Rooms.
  • Clear this session – clears both Staff and Rooms.
  • Unschedule this session – unschedules the Class.
  • Combine selected sessions into double – available when selecting two same Subject single Periods alongside each other (with no break). The combined session becomes unscheduled only if the two separate sessions were not scheduled next to each other . Right click on the first Class, right click on the second Class, and then left click on either Class and select Combine selected sessions into double.
  • Split selected session – split a double Period into two single Periods. Scheduling information will be retained. Right click on the first Class, right click on the second Class, and then left click on either Class and select Split selected session.
  • Add a period to this subject – adds another Period for that Subject only, this may create a Free session

Manage available Staff and Rooms

In the Expanded Block view, clicking on the icon for Staff or Room will update the side panel to display available Staff or Rooms for that Subject. The example below uses the Staff icon.

  1. In the expanded Block view, click on the Staff icon. The Staff area will be highlighted in a blue dotted line.
  • 2. The side panel will switch to the Staff tab and filter the Staff list based on the Staff rules. The Staff list will be displayed for the Year Group for that selected session, use the toggle Staff for all Year Groups if required.

Staff rules:

  1. Filter Staff who have available Contact Time for the selected Year Group and Subject, and are free.
  2. If there are no Staff according to the previous rule – Filter Staff who are attached to the Subject, and are free.
  3. If there are no Staff according to the previous rule – Filter Staff who are free.
  4. If there are no Staff free – the following is displayed ‘No Staff is available for the selected session’.

Room rules:

  1. Filter Rooms that are attached to the Subject, and are free.
  2. If there are no Rooms according to the previous rule – Filter Rooms that are free.
  3. If there are no Rooms free – the following is displayed ‘No Room is available for the selected session’.

Swap Staff and Rooms for the whole class

In the expanded Block view, Staff and Rooms can be swapped for a whole class.

  1. In the expanded Block view, using a right click on the class headers, select the two classes where the swap will take place. The class headers will be highlighted with a blue border.
  • 2. Left click on either of the two class headers to display the options to Swap main staff, Swap room, Swap additional staff, or Swap all allocations (swaps main staff, rooms, and additional staff). Select an option.
  • 3. If performing the swap will cause any conflicts, a warning popup will appear. Click Cancel or Continue.
  • 4. The swap will take place for the whole class. In this example, the main staff have been swapped:
Updated on October 21, 2024

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