In this guide we’ll look at how you can identify which Students have Missing Marks and then update their Attendance.
Access: The minimum permissions required to access Manage Attendance can be found in the Attendance module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.
Attendance Report by Code / Meaning
Go to Reports > Attendance > Attendance Report by Code / Meaning
Click Find in the Group Name section to open the group selector.
In the Group Selector select which group of Students you would like to run the report for. You can run it for the whole school by selecting (S) Current Students, or you could select a specific Year Group or Teaching Class by using the filters on the left. In this example we’ll run it by Tutor Group by selecting Tutor Group in the Group Type drop down, clicking Find, and then Select All.
The selected groups will appear in a Selection List on the right hand side.
Next, use the Day Start and Day End field to select the Time Frame you would like to see Missing Marks for. Alternatively you can select the Time Frame by the Term & Week by clicking the square button on the right.
Next, select use the Report By radio buttons to select Meaning, and in the Meaning box, select Missing Mark. Finally, in the Include section, use the radio buttons to select whether to include All sessions, just AM and PM or just Classes. In this example we’ve selected AM/PM.
Use the remaining options to configure the report to your preferences. It is important to tick Detailed Breakdown as this will allow you to see which sessions the Missing Marks are in, rather than just the number of Missing Marks.
Once you’re happy click Preview.
The report will display a list of Students with the Class, Date and Period of any Missing Marks.
You can Export the report using the Export button at the top of the screen.
Using Manage Attendance
Now that you’ve identified where you have Missing Marks you’ll need to update them. Go to Modules > Attendance > Manage Attendance.
In the Date Range field, select Week and then use the drop downs to select the Date Range you would like to view.
Then in View By select from Group or Student, if you have multiple Students in one Group who have Missing Marks within the selected Date Range then you may want to select by Group, but if you are only updating marks for a couple of Students then it may be more efficient to select by Students. Once you’ve made your selection, click the blue magnifying glass to open the Group or Student Selector.
In the Group/Student Selector, use the filters on the left to refine your search, if you update any of the filters click Find to update the list. Click on the Groups or Students you need to update by clicking on them once to highlight them, then click Done.
Then, in Mark Type select Meaning and then in the Mark Meanings field, select Missing.
Next, click Apply.
This will update the table to show all Missing Marks for the Students/Group within the selected Time Frame. You can then enter the correct Attendance Marks by clicking in to the cell and entering the Mark.
Once you’re happy click Save.
In this guide we’ll look at how you can identify which Students have Missing Marks and then update their Attendance.
Attendance Report by Code / Meaning
Go to Reports > Attendance > Attendance Report by Code / Meaning
Click Find in the Group Name section to open the group selector.
In the Group Selector select which group of Students you would like to run the report for. You can run it for the whole school by selecting (S) Current Students, or you could select a specific Year Group or Teaching Class by using the filters on the left. In this example we’ll run it by Tutor Group by selecting Tutor Group in the Group Type drop down, clicking Find, and then Select All.
The selected groups will appear in a Selection List on the right hand side.
Next, use the Day Start and Day End field to select the Time Frame you would like to see Missing Marks for. Alternatively you can select the Time Frame by the Term & Week by clicking the square button on the right.
Next, select use the Report By radio buttons to select Meaning, and in the Meaning box, select Missing Mark. Finally, in the Include section, use the radio buttons to select whether to include All sessions, just AM and PM or just Classes. In this example we’ve selected AM/PM.
Use the remaining options to configure the report to your preferences. It is important to tick Detailed Breakdown as this will allow you to see which sessions the Missing Marks are in, rather than just the number of Missing Marks.
Once you’re happy click Preview.
The report will display a list of Students with the Class, Date and Period of any Missing Marks.
You can Export the report using the Export button at the top of the screen.
Using Manage Attendance
Now that you’ve identified where you have Missing Marks you’ll need to update them. Go to Modules > Attendance > Manage Attendance.
In the Date Range field, select Week and then use the drop downs to select the Date Range you would like to view.
Then in View By select from Group or Student, if you have multiple Students in one Group who have Missing Marks within the selected Date Range then you may want to select by Group, but if you are only updating marks for a couple of Students then it may be more efficient to select by Students. Once you’ve made your selection, click the blue magnifying glass to open the Group or Student Selector.
In the Group/Student Selector, use the filters on the left to refine your search, if you update any of the filters click Find to update the list. Click on the Groups or Students you need to update by clicking on them once to highlight them, then click Done.
Then, in Mark Type select Meaning and then in the Mark Meanings field, select Missing.
Next, click Apply.
This will update the table to show all Missing Marks for the Students/Group within the selected Time Frame. You can then enter the correct Attendance Marks by clicking in to the cell and entering the Mark.
Once you’re happy click Save.