Club & Trips administrators can use the Clubs & Trips Analysis page to view members – both individually and by Year Group.
Access: the minimum permissions required for Clubs & Trips Analysis are found in the Analysis Module from Config > Set Up > Roles and Permissions.

From the Home Screen select Modules > Analysis > Clubs & Trips.

Users will be required to fill in the following parameters, all of which are pre-populated:
- Start Date – Pre-populated with the first day of this academic year
- End Date – Pre-populated with today’s date
- Year Group – All Year Groups are pre-populated
- Clubs & Trips – All Clubs & Trips are pre-populated
Click Apply to display the data in the table below.

- On clicking on an entry in the table below, a further table will appear to display View Year Group Breakdown or View Member Breakdown.
- Finally, when a student is selected in the View Member Breakdown table, a new table will show below which will list all of the Clubs and Trips for which they are a member.
Note: Student counts are historical when looking at date ranges that overlap previous academic years.