In this guide we are going to look at Quick Icons, explaining what they are and how to use/identify them on the Student Record page.
Quick Icons are visible at the top of a Student’s Record. They come in many shapes and colours, representing a range of data for example Court Order or Pupil Premium.
Access: To access the Quick Icons on a Student Record, you will need the following minimum permissions from within the Framework Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.
Quick Icons can also be User Defined Flags which a school creates itself defining the icon and icon colour. For example, in the following image a school has designed a User Defined Flag as a Green Flag denoting FSM. See How to Create User Defined Flags
We are going to look at the following icons
- Court Order
- Medical Condition
- Emergency Report
- Green Mortarboard
- User Defined Flags
- Documents
- Sticky Notes
- General Note/Private Note
Court Order
The No Access Icon shows when a Contact of this Student has a Court Order against them.
Hovering on the icon will show the name and relationship of this person.
Medical Condition
The Medical Condition icon shows automatically when the student has Medical Conditions in their Student Profile
Hovering on the icon will show the Medical Conditions they have.
Emergency Report
Clicking on the Emergency Report icon automatically opens the Emergency Details Report, which can then be Printed or Exported if required. This could be used, for example, if a Student has fallen and needs to go to hospital.
Green Mortarboard
Clicking on the Green Mortarboard icon will allow the school to access the Student Portal account for the selected Student, this is similar to the MyChildAtSchool account access.
See How to Create Student Portal User Accounts
Note: If the Student has a Student Portal account the icon will display green, if not it will display black.
Pressing the Mortarboard will take you straight through to the Student Portal account for this particular Student.
User Defined Flags
User Defined Flag icons will appear in the Student Record when the Student meets the criteria set by the school for those particular Flags. In the following example, a Green Flag has been created for all the Students who are defined as eligible for Pupil Premium.
See: How To Create User Defined Flags
Within the Documents Section of the Student Record, the Important Document Flag shows the documents that have been flagged as important.
A Flag will also be visible when you first arrive on the Student’s Record to show that they have an Important Document.
Hover over the Red Flag and it will state that the Student has Important Documents.
Sticky Notes
To Add A Sticky Note to a Student which will be visible both on the Student Record and any Registers, go to the Student Record and click the + in the Active Notes section.
Click Sticky Note.
Complete as required and make sure to select the correct expiry date (you may want to make a note of it as not everyone will have access to see it or somebody else may change it).
This is now visible on the Student Record.
Click Save.
View from any Register. Click on the Sticky Note item to see the detail.
General Note/Private Note
A general or private note is visible on the Student Record only and will remain visible until it is deleted. The notes can also be amended by clicking the pencil icon.
General Note or Private : type into Note and Save.
You can configure the system to allow Private Notes to show as a pop up, for example if you want to ensure anyone accessing the Student Record will automatically see a pop up with the Private Note.
Go to Config>Administration>Administration Defaults and tick Show Private Notes as a Warning Pop Up. Click Save.