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  3. How to Use the Attendance Breakdown in Vision

How to Use the Attendance Breakdown in Vision

In this guide we’ll look at how you can use the Attendance Breakdown in Vision to review and analyse the Attendance figures across all the Schools in your trust.

Access: In order to view Attendance Breakdown you will need to have access to Analysis – Breakdown – Attendance in your Vision account.


See Also: How to Set up School Sets in Vision and How to view Attendance figures for Vision/Power BI

To access the Attendance Breakdown from within Vision go to Analysis > Breakdown > Attendance


Filters – Data Scope

To get the most out of the Attendance Breakdown you’ll first need to Filter the information to ensure the figures encompass all the information you need.

Click Filters in the top left.


It will open by default to the Data Scope tab use the filters to refine your results.

Data Scope
  • Selection Mode – Choose how you would like to select which Schools to include in the Analysis, if you select Schools you will see a list of all of the individual Schools in your trust to select from, if you select School Sets you will see a list of any School Sets you have created (for more information on School Sets please see How to Set up School Sets in Vision) Note that if you select School Set you will see the information per School Set and although you will see individual Student data you will not be able to view the data per School.
  • Schools / School Sets – Select which Schools or School Sets you would like to include in the Analysis. This will select all Schools or School Sets by default.
  • Breakdown – Allows you to Breakdown the Attendance further by certain Attributes. For example, you could select Free School Meals in the Breakdown dropdown and you would then see 2 bars on the chart for each School or School Set, one displaying the Attendance for those with Free School Meals and one displaying the Attendance for those without Free School Meals.
  • Benchmark – This will add the Benchmark to the bar chart to allow for easy comparison, select which dataset to use from the dropdown.
  • Aggregate – Allows you to add a bar to the bar chart to show the average figures for all the Schools or School Sets you have selected to include. You can choose Hide which means no Aggregate bar will be displayed, Show meaning you will get a separate bar on the chart displaying the Aggregate, or Aggregate Only which means that rather than seeing the information for all the individual Schools or School Sets you will see only the Aggregate value.
  • Attendance Status – Choose which Attendance Status you would like to report on. You can choose from P – Present, U – Unauthorised Absences, or A – Authorised Absences.
  • Start & End Date – Choose the period of time you would like to view the Attendance data for.

If you make any changes on this page, click Apply to update the data.

Filters – Cohort

Within the Filters pop-up, move to the Cohort tab across the top.


The Cohort tab allows you to further refine which Students are included in the Analysis. For any of the attributes listed you can select a specific value and then only Students who meet that criteria will be included in the Analysis. For example if you selected Yes in the EAL field, then only Students who are recorded as having English as an Additional Language will be included in the figures.

Note: Enrolment will automatically filter to C and M so if you intend to compare this information to data from other sources you will need to ensure that you review this to include all applicable Enrolment Status’. For example, if the other data sources you are using include leavers in the figures then you may need to update the Enrolment filter to include the L code.

If you make any changes on this page, click Apply to update the dataset.

Chart Options

The Chart Options button in the top right hand corner allows you to Download the chart as either a PNG or PDF, you can also switch the axis for the graph by selecting either Vertical or Horizontal.

Chart Options

Attendance Breakdown

The Attendance Breakdown will display a bar chart displaying the Attendance figures for each School or School Set broken down as you have selected.

Attendance Breakdown

In the example above we have set it to Breakdown by Free School Meals, we have set Aggregate to Show and we have selected to include a Benchmark.

The Breakdown means that there are 2 bars for each School, one displaying the Attendance percentage for Students for whom FSM = Yes and another displaying the Attendance percentage for Students for whom FSM = No. Similarly, there are 2 Aggregate bars on the chart, one displaying an average of all Students across all included Schools for whom FSM = Yes and another displaying the average of all Students across all included Schools for whom FSM = No. The Benchmark is indicated by the black line on the right hand side of the graph. The 2 bars highlighted in gold indicate that this school has the best Overall Attendance.

You can hover over any of the bars on the chart to see the figure that it represents.


Summary of Attendance Breakdown

The Summary table displays the figures that contributed to the information in the chart. You can Export the data to excel using the Grid Actions at the top.

Summary of Attendance Breakdown

Clicking on any of the rows in the table will load the the individual Student data that contributes to the figures in that row of the table below. Again, you can Export the table to excel, using the Grid Actions at the top.

Individual Student Data

Updated on October 4, 2024

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