Pathways enables the user to link multiple Events within a Category to Actions so that as students have events logged against them they accumulate points and in turn this will trigger an Action against the students behaviour record.
Important : if a Behaviour Model is created mid way through the academic year any events/points added into Bromcom prior to its creation will not be included in triggering the actions. It will only include events/points added going forward after the setup date, it is not possible to back date the model.
Use this guide to:
- Set Permissions
- Build Components
- Access Pathways Web Version
- Build a Behaviour Model
- Shared Actions
- View and Amend
- Set the Date
- Export & Import
- Edit and Simulation Mode
- Re-Set Student Actions
See also : Behaviour Overview
Set Permissions
By default only the Administrator will have the Pathways menu item. Permission to Access the Behaviour Pathways is given from the Roles and Permissions option.
See How to Edit a Role and its Permissions.
Build Components
The visible components in Pathways are Events, Actions and Categories. These are built in Bromcom.
- Create an Event in Bromcom ensuring they are assigned to a Category
- Create an Action in Bromcom these Actions can be linked to Detentions if required.
- Create a Category in Bromcom.
Access Pathways Web Version
Once you have built the components then from the Home Screen go to Config>Behaviour>Pathways
- Categories – these are the tabs across the top. They are created in Bromcom and attached to Events, you can be specific as to which Category you want the Event or Action to appear under.
- Events – these can be viewed by clicking View Events/Actions on the top right and are created in Bromcom
- Actions – these can be viewed by clicking View Events/Action on the top right and created in Bromcom
If you need to add to Categories, Events or Actions then you need to do this in Bromcom under Config > Behaviour.
Build a Behaviour Model
Using the tabs at the top to select which Category you want to build your behaviour model in. In the example below the Category Positive has been chosen.
Click on View Events/Actions to see the Events and Actions that are available to be linked to a Category. Note : An Event can only be linked to one Category.
Events : Click on the individual Events and drag and drop into the Events area under the required Category. Add all the Events that you want to include in your behaviour model.
Note: A Maximum of 110 Events can be added to a Category.
Actions : Click on an individual Action and drag and drop into the Actions area under the Events. Add all the Actions that you want to include in your behaviour model.
Note a maximum of 10 Actions can be added down from the linked Events.
Then the Events and Actions need linking. This in done by clicking on the Event and dragging it to the Action. A line will appear to to show they are linked. Repeat so your Events are all linked to your Actions.
When the Events are logged against a Student in Bromcom they will add up so that when they are the same as the Points in the Action then that Action will be triggered.
In the example above a student needs 15 positive points to trigger a Bronze BRZ Action.
The Actions How To explains how create an Action and how to add the points required, the thresholds and max permitted.
If you have more than one Action you can also link these in the same way. Click, drag and drop. This will create your escalation process.
Actions can be linked to other Actions within a Category, in this example where a student gets;
- 15 Positive points they get an Action of a Bronze Award,
- 20 Positive points they then get an Action of a Silver Award
- 40 Positive points then they get an Action of a Gold Award
- 50 Positive points then they get an Action of a Diamond Award
The same method can be applied to negative points where an Action is linked to a Scheduled Detention.
Note: For more information on setting up detention schedules please see How to Schedule a Behaviour Detention
In this example where a student gets;
- 15 negative points they get an Action of a 15 Minute Detention that is linked to a scheduled detention.
- 20 negative points they then get an Action of a 30 Minute Detention that is linked to a scheduled detention.
- 30 negative points then they get an Action of a 60 Minute Detention that is linked to a scheduled detention.
Click Save to Save the Behaviour Model.
Shared Actions
Note: a maximum of 10 Actions can be added to Shared Actions
As an Event or Action can only be linked in one Category you can use Shared Actions to add points accumulated across numerous Categories to an Shared Action.
For example you may have 2 Categories that collect positive points, if you then create an Action called POS Positives and then drag and drop that Action into the Shared Actions area and then any Event or Action can be linked to the Shared Action.
Hence all chosen positive points from the Events and Actions across the 2 Categories can be accumulated in a Shared Action.
To escalate an Event or Action to a Shared Action right click on the Event or Action and select Escalate to Shared Action.
Click Save to Save the Model.
Other uses for Shared Actions;
- In the example students are given negative Events when they need some equipment. In this example the student forgets to bring a pen to school and goes to the school office to get a pen, the member of staff adds the Event called for example New Pen to the Student Record, this Event can then be linked to a Shared Action called for example Shop this can then be linked to other Shared Actions for positive and negative events.
- You can also use Shared Action with one called for example Balance that is linked to other Shared Actions that are coming from Positive and Negative Events thus creating a Balance Action that you can report on.
View and Amend
Right click on an Event to View Event, Remove Event, Escalate to Shared Action and Remove Escalated Link to Action
Right click on an Action to View Action, Remove Action, Link to Shared Action, Escalate to Shared Action and Remove Escalated Link to Action
Click Save to Save the Model.
Set the Date
You can build your Behaviour Model in advance and click Date to set the dates you want to Model to be applied from.
Important Note : Once the Behaviour Model has been created and saved this will immediately start to create the Actions against the Students record as they reach the threshold in an Action.
Important : if a Behaviour Model is created mid way through the academic year any events/points added into Bromcom prior to its creation will not be included in triggering the actions. It will only include events/points added going forward after the setup date, it is not possible to back date the model.
Click Save to Save the Model.
Export and Import
The Export and Import options can be found under the Actions button.
Edit and Simulation Mode
Use the Toggle Switch to switch between Edit and Simulation Mode.
Re-Set Student Actions
The Behaviour Model will run, totalling up the points from Events and Triggering Actions. If you want to reset the points so for example each Monday the model is reset to 0 or each term, this needs doing in Bromcom and the guidance can be found How to Re-set Student Actions.