This article answers some Frequently Asked Questions in relation to Post 16 Learning AIMS in relation to Autumn Census. For further guidance on the Census see here.
Q. We’re new to Bromcom, do we need to update the QNs?
A. Yes, it always recommended to update the QN’s to ensure you have the most up to date information in the MIS
Q. Do we have to remove GCSE learning Aims, or can they be left in the system?
A.You may find you get errors within the census if GCSE learning aims are left present in the MIS.
Q. We are virtual school do we add the Prior Attainment in the Main or Virtual school ?
A. This needs to done in the Main school.
Q. If we make a change in the course does it automatically update the learning aim for all attached classes, even if we have made manual changes in bulk learning aims?
A. If you make changes in the course and save then the changes will be filtered down to the classes and Students. If you then make manual changes in the bulk learning aims for students they they are not then reflected in the Courses.
Q. Can we add learning aims to classes instead of courses?
A. Yes you can
Q. Is there a recommendation re making new courses each year or attaching classes to existing courses?
A. You can do either, it’s entirely up to you. a lot of schools will leave the courses with no end date and reuse each year just updating the classes and QN code
Q. If someone else in the school have updated QN data, will it do any harm to update again?
A. No, you can update the QN data multiple times
Q. What do I enter for Learning Hours?
A. You will need to either speak to someone in your school possibly your SLT team, or read the DfE guidance on Learning Hours
Q. I can’t see the option to add Exam Level as an additional column in the Groups page?
A. You will only see this option if you are choosing the Group Type Teaching Classes
Q. Our year 12 hours are different from the year 13 hours. How do we deal with that?
A. You can change those via Modules>Census>Learning Hours maintenance
Q. Do Courses need to have an end date in Groups?
A. You don’t have to end date the courses, they can be left with no end date and reused year on year
Q. Do we have to reattached the teaching classes to the courses each year? Our classes haven’t changed from last year, just who is in the classes?
A. Yes, you must reattach your teaching classes for the new academic year as teaching classes end date every year