Bromcom Options

What is Bromcom Options?

Secondary schools and post-16 institutions follow an annual process allowing students to choose academic or vocational courses as part of the educational progression to be delivered generally over the following one to two years. A process is put in place by the school to publish its prospectus of courses available for delivery normally Key Stage 4 (GCSES/Vocational) collected in Year 9 for Year 10 onwards  or post-16 (Key stage 5) GCE/Vocational qualifications, collected when the student is in Year 11. This culminates in the collection of student choices, in accordance with the school offer.

Bromcom Options facilitates this collection of choices for both Key Stage 4 and Post-16, enabling multiple methods of collections according to fit into the school processes. Review and controls are in place for administrators to manage the choices which also includes a Clash Table for reviewing combinations of choices.

As an addition for those schools where a free choice of subjects is provided, Bromcom also has a Timetable Solution process to assist in finalising the blocks for timetabling.

Features & Benefits

  • Simple to set up
  • 4 methods of collection: Import, Form, Student Portal or Parent Portal (MCAS)
  • Separate pathways to give smaller cohorts different choices
  • Setup allows subjects in multiple groups and automatically prevents student from duplicating the choice.
  • Multiple combinations of rules, including reserves
  • Student cannot submit the form unless all rules are met
  • Administrators can review or update choices or send reminders to students
  • Exportable lists
  • Clash table analysis
  • Timetable Pattern Solutions
FeatureWhat it does Benifits
SetupSimple stepper automatically loads a cohort of students based on year group selected
Dry Run available for testing the water
Multiple methods for collecting choices
Simple process to add subjects and then organise them into Options subject groups
Create a range of rules

Easy to create a setup
Fully editable until Options window is open
Dry Run Multiple subjects in groups Reserves
Fixed or flexible choices
Multiple setups to offer different choices to different cohorts of students
Students must fulfil rules before submission  
FormsMultiple methods of collecting choices
Form (by email)
Student Portal
Import a template with choices submitted on paper
Customise the process to fit school processes
Reduces errors from students
Simple process for students to follow Student can save for Later
Submission must meet any school rules set  
Review ChoicesReview individual student choices
Amend student choices
Export as a table or list
Admin can manually update student choices if no form received
Lists exportable for distribution to subject teachers
Changes after submission deadline is passed
Clash TableSet the number of students per class
Set the number of expected classes for a subject
Review all choices as a grid
Select any combination to review who has chosen what
Quickly identify which subjects are the most popular
Easy to identify if a subject poses a problem for number of places
Quickly see who has chosen a subject or combination of subjects
Timetable SolutionAllows the user to load a setup and build a timetable solution based how many blocks and groups a school requires
Create a number of different patterns for perusal
View the pattern in greater detail to see the success rate of the distribution
View fine details and edit student choices in the pattern
The system will generate a Timetable blocks solution
Administrator will see easily how many pupils could not be assigned their choices and in which blocks
Pupil editor allows administrator to adjust the selection directly within the block
User can see which subjects could not be assigned