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Vision Analytics Pack for Power BI

What is Power BI?

Power BI (Business Intelligence) is a Microsoft Technology that allows you to easily connect to, model and visualise your schools’ data, creating easy-to-understand reports. A license for Power BI pro is usually included in your Microsoft licensing agreement. Power BI makes it easy for school staff with responsibilities for data to create powerful bespoke analysis dashboards. With Vision, you have access to aggregated school data that can be used with the Power BI service.

What is the Vision Analytics Pack?

The Vision Analytics pack is a suite of reports created by Bromcom’s Power BI experts ready for you to use, off-the-shelf, to analyse your schools and Trust performance across various areas of interest. As a Vision customer, you simply download the Vision Analytics Pack from the Power BI store and connect your Trust’s data. Power BI is completely integrated within Vision, so once this connection is made, any user granted access will be able to access the Vision Analytics Pack from within Vision, so no need to remember another website and set of user details.

Key Features

  • Free for Vision users to download and use
  • Regularly enhanced and improved
  • Powerful pre-built, off-the-shelf reports ready to use including:
    • Attendance Reports
    • Demographics Reports
    • Exclusion Reports
    • EYFS, KS1, KS2 & KS4 Performance Reports
    • Primary Tracker Reports
    • Staff and Staff Absence Reports
    • Covid-19 Absence Reports

Features and Benefits

FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Vision Analytics Pack Features
Free to download Power BI appPresents Vision data analysis in powerful dashboard reportsPrebuilt analysis of the data means you don’t have to have any knowledge of Power BI report creation to be able to use the platform for data analysis
Updated user interfacePresents the dashboards in an appealing and logical wayEasy to use dashboards with easy to read visualisations makes the information presented more understandable. Navigation is intuitive
View analysis of all academies, a single academy or a selection of academiesAllows you to analyse logical groups of schools togetherFlexibility to compare and contrast like-for-like schools within the Trust as well as looking at the overall picture
Includes three academic years of dataLooks at historical Trust data as well as current dataAllows trend analysis across the Trust
Granular filtering of data with “Slicers” and “Additional Filters”Shows data analysed across the whole report for different cohorts as required. Additional filters can be applied across the dashboard to hone in on very specific groupsIf you need to look at Trust data for a very specific cohort (e.g. Students with FSM/Male/Year 6) then this is quick and easy to achieve
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Trust Overview Dashboard
KPI cards8 KPI cards show the Trust’s headline figures in the year-to-dateAt-a-glance overview of the Trust’s key statistics including; number of schools, number of on-roll students, Attendance percentage, persistent absence percentage, fixed period exclusion percentage, staff full-time equivalent value, staff absence days and the student-staff ratio.
Schools FilterSelects one or more schoolsQuickly isolate schools or the same type for aggregated data
Phase FilterSelect from Primary, Secondary, All-through or Special SchoolsQuickly isolate schools or the same type for aggregated data
Compulsory Age FilterChoose to filter only Compulsory Age studentsSee all students and their related stats across the Trust schools or filter down to only those of Compulsory Age for comparison with DfE statistics
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Attendance & Exclusions Dashboard
Attendance – Headline Figures reportShows headline key performance indicators for attendance aggregated across the Trust. These figures are compared to either the latest National Statistics or the previous academic year’s Trust data.Provides a quick overview of attendance at the Trust level with key comparisons
Attendance – Schools reportProvides a school-by-school breakdown of attendance in tabular format with comparison to National Data (specific to the school type)Allows at-a-glance comparison of attendance between school with a visual indication of how the stats for that school compare to the same type of school nationally
Attendance – Groups reportProvides attendance information broken down by National Curriculum Year Group, DfE Characteristic Group and Ethnicity with comparison to relevant National StatisticAllows at-a-glance comparison Attendance percentage figure and Persistent Absence percentage of different groups identified in the DfE National Statistics
Attendance – Cohorts reportProvides attendance information for numerous cohorts within the trust in tabular format with a difference for each cohort to the overall Trust statistics. Gauge-like visualisations also show the difference for 6 key groupsAllows easy identification of high and low attending cohorts within the trust. Colour scales on the attendance figures makes identifying significant differences easier
Attendance Comparison – Overview reportShows weekly attendance timeline with comparison to same Trust data for same time last yearSee attendance trends within the current academic year and comparison with previous year for the Trust
Attendance Comparison – Schools reportProvides a school-by-school and week-by-week breakdown of attendance in tabular formatSee attendance trends within the current academic year and comparison with previous year for individual schools
Exclusions reportShows exclusions data broken down by NC Year Group, School, Month and Exclusion ReasonProvides easy to read information about exclusions across the Trust
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Demographics & Geographical Dashboard
Demographics – Overview reportShows a table and chart of currently enrolled students broken down by NC Year Group and key characteristicsProvides easy to read information about student enrolments across the Trust
Demographics – SEN reportProvides a table and charts to show SEN student broken down by NC Year Group, SEN students by Need Type and overall Trust SEN status percentageSee SEN information across the Trust
Demographics – Ethnolinguistics reportProvides a table showing enrolments broken down by NC Year Group and Ethnic GroupSee ethnicity information across the Trust
Geographical reportShows an interactive map with student enrolments by Post CodeHelps to identify the geographical location of students within the Trust
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Staff & Staff Absence Dashboard
Staff Overview reportIncludes staff count and Full-time equivalent values for All staff, Teaching staff, Classroom Support staff and Other staff. Shown chart or table formatSee current active staff information across the Trust and school-by-school
Staff by Groups reportShows breakdown of Staff numbers by Staff Type, Gender, Ethnicity and Age Group in chart or tabular formatAllows further analysis of school staff and their demographic information across the Trust
Contract Details reportProvides Staff analysis by Contract details including Base Pay Band, Contract Type, Full-time/Part-time and by Qualification status as tables or chartsAllows further analysis of school staff and their contract information across the Trust
Absence Overview reportIncludes headline figures for staff absence and shows breakdown by Absence Category and Reason codeSee the staff absence statistics across the Trust
Absence by Groups reportSee Absences broken down by Staff Type and by School in table or chart formatFurther analysis of staff absence across the Trust
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
FSP & SATs Results
EYFS – School Overview reportShows a summary of the ELG percentage by school, percentage of “GLD” by school and overall Trust-wide gauge-like visuals for “GLD”, “Prime Areas”, “Specific Areas” and “All Areas”Gives an overview of Foundation Level Profile for the EYFS students across the Trust
EYFS – School Breakdown reportProvides a table showing the percentage achieving an ELG aspect broken down by schoolProvides Aspect analysis school-by-school
EYFS – Strands reportShows charts that show breakdown of strands by result and overall percentage of students achieving the strandsProvides Strand analysis across the Trust
EYFS – Groups reportShows a table summary of the ELGs by specific student cohort and a chart showing percentage of students at “GLD” by groupProvides FSP analysis by cohort group
KS1 – Schools reportTable and charts to show breakdown of KS1 SAT results by school. Gauge-like visuals show a comparison to National AverageShows analysis of KS1 SAT results across the Trust and school-by-school
KS1 – Groups reportTable to show KS1 results broken down by significant Student cohortShows analysis of KS1 SAT results across the Trust and by Student groups
KS1 – Ethnicity reportTable to show KS1 results broken down by ethnicityShows analysis of KS1 SAT results across the Trust and by Student ethnicity
KS2 – Schools reportTable and charts to show breakdown of KS2 SAT results by school. Gauge-like visuals show a comparison to National Average.Shows analysis of KS2 SAT results across the Trust and school-by-school
KS2 – Groups reportTable to show KS2 results broken down by significant Student cohortShows analysis of KS2 SAT results across the Trust and by Student groups
KS2 – Ethnicity reportTable to show KS2 results broken down by ethnicityShows analysis of KS2 SAT results across the Trust and by Student ethnicity
Attainment Comparison – EYFSShows yearly comparison charts for EYFS Areas of Learning, Overall achievement and Average Point ScoreAnalyse 3 yearly trend for EYFS results
Attainment Comparison – KS1Shows yearly comparison charts for KS1 Teacher Assessments, Standardised Test Scores and Phonics Pass RateAnalyse 3 yearly trend for KS1 results
Attainment Comparison – KS2Shows yearly comparison charts for KS2 Standardised Scores, Test Outcome and Teacher AssessmentsAnalyse 3 yearly trend for KS2 results
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
KS4 Performance Dashboard
Headline Figures reportShows headline key performance indicators for KS4 Performance aggregated across the TrustProvides an at-a-glance view of KS4 performance measures across the trust. This can also be filtered down to show a single school’s results
P8 & A8 reportProvides headline Progress 8 and Attainment 8 figures across the Trust and breakdown by school as either a chart or tableCompare individual school P8 and A8 performance to the Average
Ebacc & Difference reportProvides headline Ebacc figures for the Trust and breakdown by school as either a chart or table. Also shows a chart/table to compare Disadvantaged student performance to the overall figuresCompare individual school Ebacc performance to the Average and see the Disadvantaged Student gap analysis
Groups reportProvides a multifunctional chart breaking down key performance indicators by significant Cohort groupAllows in-depth analysis of Student groups broken down by school and compared to the Trust average
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Primary Tracker Dashboard
Primary Tracker – Schools reportShows a table or chart of Target Expectation by School for all available subjects as well as charts showing percentage of Students working At/Above in each schoolProvides at-a-glance comparison of each school’s attainment for a given Academic Year, Term and Subject
Primary Tracker – Year Groups reportShows a table or chart of Target Expectation by Year Group for all available subjects aggregated across the Trust as well as charts showing percentage of Students working At/Above in each Year GroupProvides at-a-glance aggregated information about attainment for each NC Year Group in the Trust for a selected Academic Year, Term and Subject
Primary Tracker – Subjects reportShows a table or chart of Target Expectation by Subject for all Groups and Year Groups selected as well as charts showing percentage of Students working At/Above in each SubjectProvides at-a-glance aggregated information about attainment for each Subject across the Trust for a selected Academic Year, Term and Year Groups
Primary Tracker – Groups reportProvides a chart and a table to show Subject attainment by significant Student cohortAllows the quick comparison of attainment for significant Student cohorts for a selected Academic Year, Term and subject
Primary Tracker – Results Check reportShows a table of data that identifies any students without results in a given Term and also a table showing how many results are presentAllows a Assessment Administrator to quickly spot gaps in the data entered into Primary Tracker at the different Trust schools
Attainment Timeline – Timeline reportProvides a line chart showing attainment over time for the same cohort of studentsAllows a group of students to be tracked between years and terms in different subject
Attainment Timeline – Comparison reportProvides a bar chart to compare different cohorts at their relative assessment point (Year Group and Term)Allows comparison of attainment from one year or term to the next for different groups of students
Progress reportShows a table and chart of progress between two assessment pointsProvides analysis of which students are progressing (attaining more compared to their target), regressing or staying static
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Formative Assessment Report
Trust TotalsPie and bar chart showing Formative Assessments across the trustTrust-wide analysis of Formative Assessments
School PageFormative Assessment breakdown by school in chart or table formatAllows comparison of Formative Assessment across schools within the Trust
Year Group PageFormative Assessment breakdown by Year Group in chart or table formaAllows comparison of Formative Assessment across Year Groups across the Trust
Subject PageFormative Assessment breakdown by Subject in chart or table formatAllows comparison of Formative Assessments in different Subject across all trust schools
Group PageFormative Assessment breakdown by Group in chart or table formatAllows comparison of significant cohorts’ Formative Assessment results across the trust
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Covid-19 Dashboard
Headline FiguresShows the number of Confirmed, Suspected and Reported cases Today, This Week, This Month and Year to Date. Also has a table showing the percentage change in cases on a school-by-school basisAt-a-glance information on Covid-19 related cases in the Trust and school-by-school
SchoolsProvides a detailed breakdown of attendance statistics and Covid-19 cases on a school-by-school basisIndicates how Covid-19 is affecting the attendance of each school in the trust
GroupsProvides the attendance breakdown with Covid-19 related absences aggregated across the Trust with a breakdown by Ethnicity, NC Year Group or Age Group. Also shows how Covid-19 has affected significant student cohortsFurther analyses the impact of Covid-19 on specific cohorts within the Trust
Code BreakdownShows a chart or table of the Covid-19 related attendance codesProvides further low-level analysis of the Covid-19 related attendance codes including the DfE sub codes
Student SummaryShows Student count and percentage of absence due to Covid-19, school-by-school and by absence code in chart or table formatFurther drills-down into the code-level analysis to see affected student numbers
TimelineShows a chart or table of Covid-19 related absences over time (daily, weekly or monthly)Allows at-a-glance information about Covid-19 absence trends

Future Planned Developments

  • IDSR style statements
  • KS4 Weighted Analysis
  • Behaviour Dashboard
  • KS5 Dashboard