
What is Vision?

Vision is the hub of a Trust’s Management Information System. More than just a warehouse for trust-wide data, Vision is at the centre of the trust’s operations by facilitating the management and organisation of data across Bromcom CloudMIS. Powerful and highly flexible analytics allow a trust to understand school performance and target school improvement.

Key Features

  • Familiar UX-UI makes Vision look and feel like CloudMIS
  • Visualisations and powerful analysis dashboards surface important information
  • Tiered levels of analysis, down to student-level data, is controlled by roles and permissions
  • Benchmark trust data against both internal targets and national figures
  • Flexible and customisable dashboards ensure users see relevant and timely information
  • Two-way data transfer means Vision can push data back to CloudMIS
  • Gives the Central Team control over data structures and models within CloudMIS
  • Staff, Students, Groups, Roles and Accounts across the schools can be viewed and controlled centrally
  • Communication across the schools, students and parents can be managed from within Vision

Features & Benefits

Simple Setup & Configuration
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Simple setup and configuration 
Once licensed with Customer Services, a school’s data is automatically available in Vision 
No complicated setup to link CloudMIS databases Vision 
Quick onboarding process 
Scalable solution that grows without increasing workload 
User Accounts with seamless single sign-on process 
Allows Vision users with necessary permission to move seamlessly between Vision and schools’ CloudMIS systems 
Ideal for Central Team or those users responsible for managing multiple school MIS 
Reduces the burden of remembering multiple URLs, database IDs, username and passwords. 
Secured with two-factor authentication if required for increased data security 
Access Permissions to drill-down through tiers of data Limits users to what level of details they can see dependent on the permissions their role/account has been grantedEnsures GDPR and policy compliance by displaying the minimum amount of data required per stakeholder 
Flexible enough to drill-down to student/staff level data for those with a business need and required permissions 
Role permissions give full flexibility to grant Access/Edit permission to each area of Vision An administrator can tailor roles within the system to fit the school’s policy on accessing data Vision roles can be set-up to provide different levels of access to match job roles and responsibilities  
Facilitates comprehensive data protection and security policies 
Further refine role permissions with per user access to individual schools and school sets Allows to differentiate access control so that different users with the same role can have different levels of access to specific schools’ data It is possible to set up generic roles with permissions to Access/Edit various areas of the system, but the level of detail on drill-downs can be differentiated depending on which specific school the user has access to 
For example, there maybe a Headteacher role within the system that is assigned to Heads to be able to view level data. Which schools/students and staff the Heads can drilldown to is configurable 
Two-way data transfer As well as securely receiving data from CloudMIS instances on a flexible transfer schedule, Vision can push data back to CloudMIS databases Secure O-Data feed transfers the data behind secure authentication 
Control the frequency of data transfer to Vision, up to hourly schedule 
Automate the transfer of school level data to the central database (Vision) with no technical overhead typically associated with the use of APIs 
Allows central team to manage and control data from a central database 
Vision acts as a repository for data models such as Adhoc reports, Behaviour models, Assessment models that can be pushed out to schools 

Central Control 
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
Central Team Management Add staff and users accounts for the Central Team in Vision Full staff record and user account creation facilities within Vision for Central Team staff members 
Users do not have to be associated with a specific school in the trust 
Can be included in analysis of staff 
*Move staff record and user account If a staff member moves from one school in the trust to another the staff record and user account can be moved easily between CloudMIS databases Reduces administration time 
Reduces chance of duplicated records 
Central management of data models and structures With the required permissions, a user can audit the data models and structures in use across all the schools Gives an overview of how data is being stored and the logic of model and structures in use across the trust 
Helps standardise classification, collection add storage of data 
*Manage SMS credits across the trust Purchase, manage and transfer SMS credits across schools Centralised procurement 
Central auditing of SMS usage and cost 
Allocation of SMS credits between schools from within Vision 
*Centralised communication across the trust The Vision user can, with adequate permissions, send a message or alert to staff across the trust Streamlines centralised communication 
Allows the user to send a message to target users, specific roles or all staff 
*Centralised communication with students and contacts across the trust The Vision user can, with adequate permissions, send a SMS, email or push-notification message to students and student contacts across the trust Streamlines centralised communication 
Allows the user to send a message to targets student and contacts across all schools in the trust 
Centralised HR & Performance ManagementCentrally manage and distribute HR & Performance Management structures like Staff Units, School Objectives, CPD Activities, Access Levels & Permissions, approval processesStreamlines centralised HR & Performance Management
By managing Staff Units, School Objectives, CPD Activities, Access Levels & Permissions, approval processes centrally
Centralised control of Assessment Tracking TemplatesCentrally manage and distribute Assessment Tracking Templates.Allows the user to centrally manage and distribute the templates and standardise the templates for all schools to analyse the results
Reduces administration time
Centrally manage Primary Tracker ConfigurationsCentrally manage & distribute the Primary Tracker ConfigurationsCentralised control of primary tracker to allow standardisation across the schools.
Reduces administration time
Centralised view of School & Staff Workforce CensusCentralised view of School & Staff workforce CensusAllows the user to monitor and view the latest status of census for each school

Quick Access to information 
Feature What it doesBenefits
Schools List Lists, in a data table, various school characteristics. The data table can be modified by the user to add/remove data columns for a customised view See details for all schools in the trust, at-a-glance. 
Filter and sort data within the table to isolate schools with specific characteristics. 
Add/remove data columns to customise the data grid 
Quickly export table data for further analysis 
Allow multi-selection of schools to perform bulk actions (like send communication) 
*View an individual school’s Profile Drill-down from the Schools List page to an individual school to get an overview of the school’s characteristics Validate school data held within the individual CloudMIS databases from Vision without having to log into each school database 
If an edit is needed to school data, a link to the relevant page with the relevant database makes managing school data quick and easy 
Students List Lists, in a data table, the students across schools and various student characteristics. The students shown within the data table, and the data items available is dependent on the user’s permissions Access is tightly controlled by role and user permissions 
For those with access, pulls into Vision student details from across the schools
Central overview of the “raw” student data including students’ Contacts details 
Ability to export for those users with permission 
Ability to perform bulk student-level actions for those users with permission 
View an individual Student Profile Drill-down from the Student List page to an individual student profile Ability for users with relevant permissions to view an individual student’s details from within Vision 
If an edit is needed to student data, a link to the relevant page with the relevant database makes managing student data quick and easy 
Staff List 
Lists, in a data table, the staff across schools and various staff characteristics. The staff shown within the data table, and the data items available is dependent on the user’s permissions 
Access is tightly controlled by role and user permissions 
For those with access, pulls into Vision staff details from across the schools
Central overview of the “raw” staff data for HR and associated purposes 
Ability to export for those users with permission 
Ability to perform bulk staff-level actions for those users with permission 
View an individual Staff Profile 
Drill-down from the Staff List page to an individual member of staff’s profile 
Ability for users with relevant permissions to view an individual staff’s details from within Vision 
If an edit is needed to staff data, a link to the relevant page with the relevant database makes managing student data quick and easy 

Inbuilt Analytics (Non Power BI) 
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
*Informative Home page with customisable widgets The homepage dashboard is very flexible. The user can customise the widgets which can include KPI statistics, charts, images, links to files, etc From first log-on, the user sees at-a-glance their own timely and relevant information 
Powerful Dashboard surfacing information relevant to the user’s role and responsibilities 
Each widget is a top-level element that can be drilled down to get further information 
*Create user-defined widgets for Home page The user can create and save new widgets for the Home page to further customise their experience Ultimate control and flexibility to surface information and present it in a way that makes sense to the user. 
*Enhanced benchmarking and trend analysis 
Allows the data to be benchmarked and compared to both internal datasets such as previous years’ results, targets and national statistics 
Compare data across the trust to national statistics 
Compare year-on-year data and identify trends 
Benchmark progress against internally set targets 
Enrolment Dashboard 
Charts, KPIs and data relating to enrolment, demographics and student movement  
Provides contextual student characteristics across the trust 
Reduce admin time collating student numbers information across the trust 
Identify movement trends and issues 
Compare student numbers over time and between schools in the trust 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
Attendance Dashboard Charts, KPIs and data relating to student attendance Brings the power of the Attendance Dashboard from CloudMIS into Vision 
Identify trends and attendance issues across the trust schools 
Compare attendance data to various benchmarks 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
*Behaviour Dashboard Charts, KPIs and data relating to student behaviour  Brings the power of the Behaviour Dashboard from CloudMIS into Vision 
Identify trends and behaviour issues across the trust schools 
Compare behaviour at different levels like positive/negative, by category and by event type 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
*Exclusions Dashboard Charts and data relating to student exclusions  Reduce admin time collating exclusion information across the trust 
Identify exclusion trends and issues 
Compare exclusion data over time and compare to national statistics 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
*Staff Dashboard Charts, KPIs and data relating to employment, demographics other staffing information  Reduce admin time collating staff information across the trust 
Identify trends and issues 
Compare staffing levels over time and between schools in the trust 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
*Staff Absence Dashboard Charts, KPIs and data relating to staff absence figures brought together in an interactive dashboard Reduce admin time collating staff absence information across the trust 
Identify absence trends and issues 
Compare staff absence over time and between schools in the trust 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
*Student Attainment & Progress Dashboard Charts, KPIs and data relating to attainment and progress and different phases Provides prior attainment and latest results data for students across the trust 
Reduce admin time collating student attainment and progress information across the trust 
Identify attainment and progress trends and issues 
Compare attainment and progress over time and between schools in the trust 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
Grade Distribution Breakdown 
Collate Assessment results across all schools in the trust 
Provides assessed and predicted grades for students across the trust 
Reduce admin time collating assessment data across the trust 
A user with relevant permission can drill-down through the charts to the underlying data 
School Performance Create rating systems and rate schools Award schools customised ratings like Red/Amber/Green for school performance areas  
Add notes describing the rating 
Add supporting documents 
Audit School Performance with logs 
*Ofsted Rating fields A set of data fields are created in schools’ databases including current Ofsted ratings, overall and in main areas, latest inspection date, etc. Pulled into Vision Report on Ofsted ratings across trust 

PowerBI and SQL 
FeatureWhat it doesBenefits
BI Integration Use OData feed from Vision within PowerBI to create PowerBI dashboards Create bespoke PowerBI visualisations and dashboards using the data help in Vision 
Use together with the PowerBI Viewer to view your bespoke PowerBI dashboards within Vision 
PowerBI Viewer Embed PowerBI dashboards directly into Vision Allows the viewing of PowerBI dashboards from within Vision and behind secure authentication, so no insecure publishing of public URLs 
A user can securely access PowerBI visuals using their Vision account 
Database replication to Azure SQL Database Allows access to Vision data directly via SQL Allows direct access for those with existing data warehousing solutions. 

*Future Planned Developments

  • Governor information to identify strengths, weaknesses and vacancies
  • Schedule and automate performance ratings based on defined criteria (alert any issues)
  • Quick Report for Vision
  • Set appraisal Objectives and record feedback centrally
  • Add CPD events
  • Central student attendance management for unauthorised absences
  • Central HR functions to manage staff records and feed back to schools (SCR, DBS and other background checks for example)
  • Central staff absence authorisation screen
  • Central forms to collect adhoc data from Schools
  • Central workflow management
  • Central recruitment management
  • Database of alumni
  • Move Staff Record and User Account
  • Manage SMS Credits across the Trust
  • Centralised Communication across the Trust
  • Centralised Communication with Students and Contacts across the Trust
  • View an Individual School’s Profile
  • Informative Home Page with Customisable Widgets
  • Create User-Defined Widgets for Home Page
  • Enhanced Benchmarking and Trend Analysis
  • Behaviour Dashboard
  • Exclusions Dashboard
  • Staff Dashboard
  • Staff Absence Dashboard
  • Student Attainment & Progress Dashboard
  • Ofsted Rating Fields