What is Office365 Integration?
Office365 Integration is a solution for schools and trusts to sync the students, staff and groups between MIS and Office365. Integration syncs daily, pulling through staff/student groups and calendars. It pulls through all the year groups and class groups etc.
Key Features
- Provision Student and Staff Accounts – MIS has manual mapping functionality for existing accounts in Office365 – as most likely schools would be having existing accounts, but any new joiners or leavers handled automatically after initial setup
- Option to Link Bromcom Accounts with Office365 accounts for SSO integration
- Import student and staff photographs into Office365 for Education
- Reflect student and staff calendars from the management system into Office365 Calendars
- Automatically create and maintain your Microsoft Teams directly from your management system. Ability to roll-out subset of the school (by year groups, subjects, departments or individual groups)
- Integration with Office365 OneDrive – ability for schools to use their Office365 OneDrive to store documents produced within MIS system
Features & Benefits
Feature | What it does | Benefits |
User Provisioning | When users are entered into the MIS system, the system will create a new user in Office365. It will also delete users from Office365 which are expired in the system. | No need to manually create users in Office365 GDPR policy in that leavers are automatically suspended from your Office365 tenancy. |
User sync | Automatically syncs your existing Office365 users with the system. Also allows manual mapping | The system will attempt to match your existing Office365 users with staff and students already in the system Provide the ability for the MIS admin to manually match staff and students to Office365 users Benefit is that then, once these leavers change role/year/leave the school then the system will automatically take care of them in Office365. |
Single Sign On | Allows Office365 SSO into Bromcom | Not only will the system create/pair your MIS and Office365 users, it will also allow you to use the Office365 user account to sign into Bromcom, so you don’t have to remember 2 different sets of user credentials. |
Import student and staff photos | Allows MIS photos of students and staff to be uploaded to their Office365 accounts | This means that any Office365 services can have a picture of the user if required, such as Microsoft Teams or Gmail. |
Office365 Calendar Sync | Syncs individual user calendars or school calendars from the MIS system to Office365.Also syncs calendar resources. | Once calendars are populated in the MIS, staff and students don’t need to then manually populate their Office365 Calendar – this will be automatically populated If school has sites/floors/rooms populated in the MIS, then these will also be used in the Office365 Calendar events If you also have user provisioning/user sync on – any invitees to your diary events will also be invited in Office365. |
Office365 Classroom Teams Sync | Allows Microsoft Teams to be created from the MIS | Classes in the MIS can automatically be created in Microsoft Teams with the teachers and students populated When classes reach their end date in the MIS, the system will automatically disable them in Microsoft Teams |
Office365 Groups Sync | Allows a variety of Office365 Groups to be created from the MIS | You can select which types of groups we will create – Year Group email lists, staff lists, subject groups etc The system will apply security settings to the group so they can be used as secure mailing lists Automatically add and remove members so you don’t need to worry about keeping groups up to date |
*Office365 OneDrive Integration | MIS documents can be sent to Office365 OneDrive and shared appropriately | Any documents existing in the MIS can be automatically sent to Office365 OneDrive The system will apply appropriate sharing permissions so you don’t have to worry about sharing the documents with groups incorrectly We can create folder structures in the cloud and use your MIS groups to permit access meaning that a school can keep its data securely and easily in the cloud! We can help you retain and dispose of data following DfE retention guidelines so you can be GDPR compliant. |
* Future Planned Developments
- Office365 OneDrive Integration