In this guide, you will be shown how to carry out the following actions regarding Room Booking Requests;
Access: The minimum permissions required to Manage Room Booking Requests are found in the Diary Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions. Room Booking Requests>Delete is optional should you require it.

See Also: How to View and Edit a Teaching Class
Create Requests
From Modules select Diary and then Room Booking Requests, or use the Global Search option. This function can also be accessed from the School Diary page and selecting New Room Booking.

Room Booking by Day
Click New to Create a New Room Booking Request. In the example below the user has Administrator rights so they can see Room Booking Requests made by all users.

This will open the Room Booking Request screen, the example below is for a user who has administrator rights so they can complete the Status drop down and Allocate or Decline the Room Booking Request.

In the example below the users permissions define that they can only make New Room Booking Requests so they would go to Modules>Diary>Room Booking Request>New, they will see any requests they have made but not other users requests.

Then they would click New to see the following screen, enter the relevant details and click Save.

All fields in the Room Booking Request page marked with * must be completed.
- Staff – select a member of staff from the dropdown, this will be the staff member who will be using the Room requested.
- Start Date/End Date and Time – either type in the date or time or click on the calendar or clock to define the date and time the Room is required.
- Unknown – select this option if the End Date of the Room Booking is unknown. Note when selected the Recurrence function is disabled.
- Location – click in Location to select the room(s) you require, Show only FREE rooms is selected by default. Untick to see all rooms available and unavailable. If you select multiple locations:
- Each request will have its own row in the Room Booking Requests table with the same room allocation details.
- Each booking can be approved or rejected individually.
- Once booked, each room will be treated as an individual booking, meaning that if you need to edit or manage a booking, it will be handled separately.
- The system will check the availability of multiple locations simultaneously for the same time slot only when Show only FREE rooms check box has been ticked.
- Description – complete this box with the description for the Room Booking Request for example Teacher Training Session.
- Notes – complete this box with any notes relevant to the booking for the administrator to see.
- Status – choose either allocated or declined.
- Requested by – this is the member of staff who requested the room booking , this may be the same or different from the member of staff who is using the Room.
Click Save to complete the request.
Recurrence – Use this function if a Room Booking is recurring; for example a member of staff needs the same Room at the Same Date & Time for 3 weeks. The Recurrence Settings allows the Room Booking Request to Repeat Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly, with a defined number of repeats and defined Start and End date.
Click Clear to clear the Recurrence Settings or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Once the Recurrence Settings are correct click Save.
Room Booking by Period
Click Select Time By, this allows users to select a room booking based on Period or Time.
- When Period is selected, the Time dropdown is greyed out, and users must choose a Period Start Date and Period End Date for a single period booking.
- The Period Start Date will display as “<Period> – <Time From>.”
- The Period End Date will display as “<Period> – <Time To>” and must always be the same or later than the Period Start Date.
- The Time dropdown will reflect the Time From and Time To for the selected period.
- Periods are defined in Modules > Curriculum > Period Structures.
Note: At this time, it is not possible to book a room for a double period in one go using this functionality. Each period must be booked separately.
The Recurrence functionality will remain unchanged, but for bookings made by Period, users will now select from the Start Period and End Period dropdowns, instead of specifying times.
When booking a room by Period, a validation has been added to ensure that the Period Start Date cannot be later than the Period End Date. Users will see the following Error message when trying to save the Room Booking Request.
In the Room Booking Requests table:
- There will be no visible distinction between room bookings made by Period or Time. The Start Date and End Date will continue to display the booking date and time in the usual format.
- A new column, Recurrent, has been added to the table. It will be ticked to indicate when a recurring booking has been made.
- When editing a booking, users can only adjust the Start Date and End Date using the Time option, regardless of whether the booking was initially made by Period or Time.
View Requests
From Modules>Diary, select Room Booking Requests.

This will open the Room Booking Requests page; if you are unable to see any buttons i.e. Edit or Delete then please check your permissions with your system administrator.

Use this page to View Room Booking Requests and filter/search by the following fields;
- Status – by default the Status is All, use the Status dropdown to Filter by All, Requested, Allocated or Declined Room Booking Requests.
- Day Start/Day End – by default the Room Booking Requests page shows the previous month’s requests up until the current date, for example Start Date 12/10/2020 End Date 12/11/2020. To see Room Booking Requests outside of the default dates either type the required date in the Day Start or Day End box or alternatively click the calendar icon to change the date. The screen will refresh to show Room Booking Requests in the defined start and end dates.
- Search – use the Search box to search by either Booking, Start Date, Description, Room, Owner or Status. The list with refresh to show the requests that match the Search.
- Grid actions – the information in the Room Booking Requests grid can be exported in various formats Excel, CSV or PDF, copied to clipboard or printed if required. When exported the information will be saved locally.
Allocate or Decline Requests
To allocate requests go to Modules>Diary>Room Booking Requests

From here they can either double click on a request or click on the request and click Edit
They also click on a Request and click Delete in the example the requester has contacted them and said the Request has been cancelled.

From the Edit screen with the appropriate permissions they can they choose to either set the Status to Allocated or Declined from the Status drop down choices.
Click Save.

Edit Requests
From Modules select Diary and then Room Booking Requests, or use the Global Search option.

This will open the Room Booking Requests page;

Filter the view using the Status dropdown and the Start and End Date if required or use Search to search for a specific Room Booking Request. Use the arrows on the column headers to sort the view if required.
Select the required Room Booking Request you wish to amend and click Edit.
This will display all the details for the Room Booking Request the details can be edited on this page. Click Save to save any amendments made.
In this screen the user can choose to Allocate or Decline the Status from the drop down choices