This area allows you to Add Supply Staff and record if the Supply Staff are affiliated to an External Agency.
Access: The minimum permissions required to access External Staff can be found in the Framework module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.

Also see: How to Add External Supply Agencies
From the left Menu go to Others > External Staff.
This will display a list of your current External Staff, from here you can add New, View for Editing or use the Selections options from the Selections dropdown list.

This will open the page with five sections, Personal Details, Availability Details, DBS Check, Staff Vetting and ID Verification Details and Training and Policies. Complete each section as required, some fields can be left blank and updated at a later date.

Personal Details
Complete the Personal Details section, using the entry fields and dropdown lists, all fields marked * are Mandatory.
Note: To Remove a member of External Staff from the list complete the Assignment End Date Field.

Ensure the Display in Cover box is ticked to provide access from the Cover module.
The Availability Details, DBS Check, Staff Vetting and ID Verification Details and Training and Policies can all be completed at a later Date and will not stop the information from being Saved if not filled in yet.

On clicking Save two more sections will be added to the page, Communication Details and Subjects Offered, complete these sections and when finished click Save.

The new Supply Staff member has now been added to the External Staff list.