How to Use Bulk Group Assignments

In this guide, we will show you how you can use this process to assign multiple students to a Band, Teaching Class, Tutor Groups or Class Membership via Block.

This is a bulk process, suitable for setting up your new academic year, for example. Students can also be assigned to Bands, Teaching Classes and Tutor Groups manually via the Groups page if you wish.

You cannot use the export/import routine within the Bulk Group Assignment tool to assign Pre-Admission students to groups. This will need to be done by selecting the relevant groups/students and clicking ‘Go’ or via Groups.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access this feature are found in the Curriculum Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.

Please see our other articles covering:

Pre-requisites: You must have a thorough understanding of how Group Associations work in the MIS.

In this example, we will look at assigning students to Bands.

From the left Menu, go to Modules>Curriculum>Bulk Group Assignments.


Select Class Memberships, Tutor Group Memberships, Class Memberships via Block or Band Memberships from the Bulk Update Type dropdown list as required.

Note: When selecting Band Memberships as the Bulk Update Type the only Bands that will be available for you to select are those active in the Current Academic Year. To amend Band Memberships for any other academic year using Bulk Group Assignment you will need to create a Data Boundary and then perform the Bulk Group Assignment from within the Data Boundary. For more information please see How to Manage Data Boundaries.

Select the groups you wish to allocate students to and once you have selected the relevant Students using the selector, click the Go button.

Select the Band and Students Required

The page will display all the Students you have selected.

Start and End Dates and Student Assignment Colour Key

Set the relevant Start Date and either leave the Track Class End Date box ticked or untick and add an End Date, as required.

Note: Ensure you are mindful of your Academic Year start and end dates to avoid any issues with membership overlap from one year to the next.

Students that are unassigned will be denoted in red, students with more than one allocation will be denoted with yellow, and assigned students will be show as clear.

Tick the appropriate box to assign students to the desired band. You have options on how to select membership:

Membership selection options

Swap on click will move a membership from the current selection to the new selection when you click, and is best for assigning a single membership per student. Add/Remove on click will add a new membership or remove an existing membership when clicking in the relevant box and is the best option for assigning multiple memberships per student. In this example, if you wanted to assign each student to a single band, use the swap on click option.

Updated on October 8, 2024

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