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  5. How to Set Up Analysis for Assessment – Student Grade Analysis by Subject

How to Set Up Analysis for Assessment – Student Grade Analysis by Subject

Note: All pages below are subject to having the relevant Roles and Permissions.

Assessment Administrators can use this guide to create a Student Grade Analysis by Subject Template to analyse a single Assessment Type with the function to compare to other Assessment Types and Terms with RAG colouring ( Red, Amber and Green)

See also How to Set Up Analysis for Assessment – Grade Distribution

Complete Analysis Data Transfer

Important Note: In order for Assessment information to be visible in the Analysis Module you must first complete an Analysis Data Transfer which transfers data from the Assessment Module into the Analysis Module.

To do this go to Modules>Analysis>Analysis Data Transfer

Analysis Data Transfer

This screen defaults to Transfer On Roll Students and Current Year Only, these choices can be amended if required.

Analysis Data Transfer

Click Transfer Now, note this process will take several minutes, once complete you will receive a notification pop up on the top right of the screen.


You have now completed the Analysis Data Transfer.

Create a Template

From the Home Page choose Modules>Analysis>Assessment


If you are creating a template for the first time then from the Template drop down choose NEW TEMPLATE

New Template

Give the Template a Name and from the Analysis Type drop down choose Student Grade Analysis by Subject

You can define which Role(s) have access to the Template if required or leave blank so all roles who have access to the Analysis Module can see the Template.

Template Name and Permissions

Click Save.

Now you need to work along the top right tabs for Data Scope, Cohort and Options to define what you are doing a Student Grade Analysis by Subject for.

Click on Data Scope.

From this panel you can:

  • Define a single Assessment Type to create a Grade Distribution for.
  • Define Key Stages
  • Define Subjects or leave blank for all Subjects.
  • Define Terms
  • Define which Year choosing from Current Year, Specific Year Groups or Last Year.

In the example below the Current Assessment Type, Key Stage 4, Subjects – all , Term Autumn 1 and Current Year has been chosen.

Note; for a drop down choose a single item, for a white box click to choose multiple items.

Data Scope

Click Save and Apply.

Next click on the Cohort tab.

From the Students drop down choose either Active Today, Between or Active On


Then from the Filters drop down we have selected Enrolment Status On Roll.

Please be aware you may have historic Assessment data in for more than one ‘Year 11’ for example you may have Year 11 data in from the last academic Year for the students that are now in Year 12 so in this example in the filters select Year Group and Choose Year 11.

Cohort Tab

Click Save and Apply.

The Student Grade Analysis by Subject is now visible in Table Form with the option to Excel Export the data in the top left Grid Actions

Student Grade Analysis by Subject

Further Analysis

You now have the option to add data in for another Assessment Type and/or Term for Comparison by clicking the Option tab.

Option Tab

Click the Green + icon

In the example below we have chosen Assessment Type with the Name Predicted Grade , this can be different from the Assessment Type chosen and we have coloured it Green. This will show the Assessment Type data for the same Term as set in the Data Scope tab,

Click Save and then Apply

Add Assessment Type

You will now see another column has been added to the Student Grade Analysis by Subject Table with colour coding for where the Current Grade is more than, equal to or less than the Predicted Grade

Add Comparison

In the Art example below the Comparison shows;

  • Katie Brooks – Current Grade = 6, Predicted Grade = 4 difference is +2.00 and coloured Green because the Current Grade is MORE THAN than the Predicted Grade
  • Morgan Hardman – Current Grade = 2, Predicted Grade = 2 difference is 0.00 and coloured Yellow because the Current Grade is EQUAL TO the Predicted Grade
  • Clarice Haslam = Current Grade = 3, Predicted Grade = 9 difference is -6.00 and coloured Red because the Current Grade is LESS THAN the Predicted Grade

Finally the Summary row at the bottom of the table shows number of students and average differences for each subject for the comparison column.

Summary Row
Updated on May 30, 2024

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