The Prior Attainment Map is for the analysis of either Summative Data, EYFS Summative Or Standardised Tests Grades and allows users to see how students have progressed between two Assessment Points.
This Map gives teachers a quick and easy way to identify students who are doing well, doing better or doing worse.
Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Prior Attainment Map is found in the Analysis Module>Primary Tracker of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.
IMPORTANT: before accessing the Prior Attainment Map you must have either Summative, EYFS Summative or Standardised Tests assessment sheets set up and have Student data inputted against the two Assessment Points you want to analyse.
See here for guidance on setting up Summative, EYFS and Standardised Tests assessment sheets and for further analysis in Primary Tracker.
Go to Modules>Analysis>Primary Tracker>Prior Attainment Map
In this example we want to analyse Year 3 Mathematics Summative Data. We have Year 3 Summative Assessments sheets set up for both Year 3 Tutor Groups and one for the Year Group as well, plus we have data in the system against the Students.
When you first open the Prior Attainment Map the screen will be blank as per the example below
From here you can choose the following:
- Templates: once you have created a map you have the option to Save As in order to use the Template again
- Master Group : choose from either Tutor Group, Class, Report Group or Year Group
- From and To drop downs will populate if you choose a Master Group associated with a Year Group
- Subject: Choose from the drop down, these are defined when you set up the relevant assessment sheet
- Tracker Type : choose from Summative, EYFS Summative or Standardised Tests
- Sub Groups : you can choose more than one group by clicking on the choices for example if you wanted to just see the Boys choose Boys in the Sub Groups
In the example below we have chosen Master Group = Year 3, From = Autumn End of Term, To = Spring End of Term, Subject = Mathematics and Tracker Type = Summative.
When you are happy with your choices click Run Report.
Now in the example colour coded grid below we can see the following, the From grades are on the left hand column and the To grades are in the top row.
Example Student Lesley Ahmed;
- was 3BXS in Autumn End of Term
- is 3EXS in Spring End of Term
- In this example 3BXS is Below Expected Standard and 3EXS is Expected Standard, these grades and Grade descriptions are set up in the Summative Assessment Wizard.
In the far right column in the grid N/A means no grade entered and will colour code grey.
In the top right of the screen we have the option by clicking on the egg timer to change the Academic Year.
Note: When the Date is changed the Assessment Data, Cohort Data and Demographic Data is from the Last Day of the selected Year and ARE’s are measured using the current ARE’s.
We can also Export the Analysis from the icon in the top right of the page.
This will export the Student Grid as per the example below, the file will download locally to your computer.
If we scroll further down the Prior Attainment Map we can see further analysis showing Legend and Summary and Summary Table for Sub-Groups