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How to Set up Primary Tracker – Formative Assessment

In this guide we’ll look at how to set up Formative Assessment Sheets using the Primary Tracker. This guide will Cover:

Access: The minimum permission required to setup Primary Tracker Formative Assessment Sheets are found under the Assessment Module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions


See also: Primary Tracker FAQ, KS2 Performance Dashboard for Primary Tracker

The Formative Assessment Sheets Wizard

The Primary Tracker gives you a simple way of managing your primary Formative Assessment data. Formative Assessment Sheets are configured using the Formative Assessment Sheets Wizard which can be accessed by going to Config > Assessment > Formative Assessment Sheets.


The Wizard is split into 5 sections, Edit Codes, Edit Subjects, Edit Groups, Edit Terms and Manage Statements.

Formative Assessment Sheets Wizard

IMPORTANT: This guide is focussed on setting up Formative Assessment Sheets for the first time, however if you do come back at a later date to edit any of the criteria, it is important that when you make changes to any of these areas, you complete the Wizard by pressing Next in the top left corner until you receive the Confirmation message confirming you have completed all the steps and click Proceed, otherwise your changes may not be applied.

Edit Codes

From within Config > Assessment > Formative Assessment Sheets, select Edit Codes. This is where you will set up the Grade Set for the Formative Assessment Sheets.

Formative Assessment Sheets Wizard

If this is the first time your school has set up Formative Assessment Sheets, you will see 3 Grades are populated by default: Working Towards (WTS), Expected (EXS) and Greater Depth (GDS).

Edit Codes

You can Edit the existing Grades, Delete them or Add new Grades as required. Each Grade requires:

  • A Code
  • A Description
  • A Point Value (Note: Each Point Value must be unique and must be a whole number)
  • A Colour

To Edit an existing Grade, click the Edit icon to the right of the Grade you would like to change.

Edit Icon

Make any required changes to the Code, Description or Point Value by typing into the relevant field or change the Colour using the drop down. Then, once you’re happy click the Tick to confirm.

Edit Grade

To Delete an existing Grade, click the Delete Icon to the left of the Grade you would like to remove.

Delete Icon

This will prompt a pop-up to appear, click Proceed to confirm the deletion.


To Add a new Grade, simply enter the required information in the empty fields at the bottom of the table.

Add New Grade

Once you’ve completed all the information, click the Tick on the right hand side to confirm.

Confirm New Grade

Confirming the new Grade will add it to the list and open a new empty field at the bottom of the list for you to continue adding new Grades.

Adding Further Grades

Once you’ve entered all the Grades, click Next in the top left hand corner to move to the Next section of the Wizard.


Edit Subjects

In this section you’ll set up which Subjects you would like to assess using the Formative Assessment Sheets.

This page will display all subjects currently linked to Formative Assessment Sheets.

Edit Subjects

If required, you can remove any of the Subjects listed by clicking the Delete button to the left of the Subject you wish to Delete.

Delete Subject

This will prompt a pop-up to appear, click Proceed to confirm the deletion.


To Add an existing Subject to the list, select it from the drop down at the bottom of the list. Then click the Tick on the right hand side to confirm, this will add your selection to the list and open a new empty field at the bottom of the list for you to continue adding Subjects as required.

Add Subject

If you would like to create a New Subject to add to the list you can do that by clicking New Subject at the top of the screen.

Create New Subject

This will open the a Group Creation pop up window, for more information on creating Subjects please see How to Create and Edit a Subject.

For each Subject listed you will need to select which Key Stage you will collect that data for. To do this, press the Edit button to the right of the Subject you would like to Edit.

Edit Icon

Then use the Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 tick boxes to designate which age groups you will collect Formative Assessment Data for in that Subject.

Key Stage Options

Once you’re happy click the Tick on the right hand side to confirm, then repeat this for the remaining Subjects.


Once you’re happy with your selections, click Next in the top left hand corner to move to the Next section.

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Edit Groups

In this section you will choose which Groups you would like to generate a Formative Assessment Sheet for.

This page will display a list of the Groups currently associated with the Formative Assessment Sheets.

Edit Groups

Click the blue Magnifying Glass to open the Group Selector.

Magnifying Glass

Use the Filters on the left to refine your search, once you’ve made any changes to the filters, click Find to update the list.

Group Selector Filters

Find the required Groups in the list and click on each of the Groups you would like to include once to highlight them blue, once you’ve selected all required Groups, click Done.

Group Selector

All selected Groups will now appear in the list.

Selected Groups

Once you’re happy, click Next in the top left hand corner to move to the Next section.


Edit Terms

In this section you will configure when each of your Terms start and which Terms you would like to record Formative Assessment Data for, for each Year Group.

Edit Terms

First, select the Year Group you would like to edit this information for by clicking on it in the list on the left

Year Group Selection

Next, configure the Terms that you will be recording Formative Assessment Data for, for the selected Year Group by ticking or unticking them in the tick box to the left of each Term.

Term Selection

Then, for each of the Terms that you have selected to include, enter the Start Date of the Term using the Start Date field to the right hand side.

Enter Start Dates

Repeat this process for each Year Group.

Note: The Start Dates you enter will copy over to every Year Group. However, unless you choose to include all Terms for all Year Groups, you will need to configure which Terms to include for each Year Group individually.

In this section you can also choose to lock a Term, this prevents anybody from making any changes to the data for that Term. You can do this by clicking the Padlock icon.

Unlocked Term

When the Term is locked, the Padlock icon will show as closed.

Locked Term

Once you’re happy with your selections click Next in the top left corner to move to the Next section.


Manage Statements

In this section you will choose which Statements to use and then set them up.

On the first page of the Manage Statements section you can configure what type of Statements you will use.

Manage Statements

If you would like to include a brief description for each statement and examples of what the Grade could look like in the Marksheets, you can tick Include Exemplars for Grading in the Marksheets.

Next, select whether to use your own Statements or the Standard DfE Statements, and finally select if you would like to assign Statements to specific Terms to create a Programme of Study, or assign all Statements to all Terms.

If you have chosen to leave Include Exemplars for Grading in the Marksheet unticked, have selected to Use Standard DfE statements and have chosen to Assign Statements to all Terms, then select Finish and Publish and you can continue to the Marksheets section of this guide.

Finish and Publish

If you have chosen different options then click Next to continue to setup your Statements.

The next page is where you will set up your Statements.

Subject Statements

Use the Download buttons next to each of the subjects to Download a spreadsheet that you can use as a template to update your Statements.

Download Icons

Depending on the options you selected on the first page of the Manage Statements section the spreadsheet will contain different information. In this example we’ve ticked to Include Exemplars, Use Standard DfE Statements and Assign Statements to Terms.

Example File

If you have chosen to use your own Statements, you can edit the Statements in the Statements column.

Edit Statements

If you have chosen to assign Statements to specific Terms, you can do that by entering a Y in the column of any term that the Statement will be assessed in.

Assign Statements to Terms

If you have chosen to Include Exemplars on the Marksheet you can enter those in the What to Look For columns on the spreadsheet.

Include Exemplars

Once you’re happy, save the updated file and return to Bromcom. Click Browse


This will open My Files, find the updated template and click on it to select it, then click Open.

My Files

The file will now appear in the Upload field, click Upload.


You will receive confirmation briefly in the top right hand corner.


You will need to repeat this process for each of the Subjects you will be assessing.

Once you’ve uploaded templates for each of your Subjects, click Next in the top left hand corner.


The next page will show you a summary of the Statements you have uploaded.

Statement Summary

Use the Subject drop down to select the different Subjects and review the Statements for each, ensuring they are correct.

Once you’re happy, click Finish & Publish.

Finish and Publish

That will prompt this warning to appear, click Proceed.



To view the Marksheets that you’ve created using the Wizard, go to Modules > Assessment > Assessment Sheets list.


Note: The Assessment Sheets will automatically display to any Staff Members that are linked to the Groups you selected in the Edit Groups section. If the Marksheet isn’t displayed to any member of staff that requires access you may need to review which members of staff are linked to the Group, for more information on how to do this, please see How to Add Staff to Teaching Classes and/or Groups.

Find the Formative Assessment Sheet in the list and double click on it to open the Marksheet in a new tab.

Assessment Sheets List

Using the drop downs at the top of the screen, select the Topic, Term, Year Group and Cohort you would like to view/edit the Marksheet for. These selections will all be applied to the selected Group, for example, in the following image, the Group selected is a Year 6 Tutor Group, if you were to select Year 5 in the Year Group option it would show the Year 5 Assessment Data for the current Year 6 Students in the selected Tutor Group.

Marksheet Options

The Marksheet will display the Students Name, any User Defined Flags assigned to the student, their Tutor Group, Year Group and UPN.

Example Marksheet

To enter a Grade, click on the cell you would like to enter data for, it will load a list of available Grades and you can enter the required Grade by selecting it from the list.

Select Grade

You also have the option to Flood Fill the Grades, which will populate the same Grade for all the Students for that Statement and you can then manually enter any outliers. To do this, right click on the column header and select Flood Fill.

Flood Fill

Then select the Grade you would like to Flood Fill from the list.

Select Grade

You will also have a Tool Bar in the top right hand corner. Please see the below image for the functions of the different buttons on the Tool Bar.

Tool Bar Diagram
Updated on March 11, 2024

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