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How To Set up Primary Tracker – Standardised Tests

In this guide we’ll look at how to set up Standardised Test Assessment Sheets using the Primary Tracker. This Guide will cover:

Access: The minimum permission required to setup Primary Tracker Standardised Test Assessment Sheets are found under the Assessment Module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions


See also: Primary Tracker FAQ, KS2 Performance Dashboard for Primary Tracker

The Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets Wizard

The Primary Tracker gives you a simple way of managing your primary Standardised Tests data. Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets are configured using the Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets Wizard which can be accessed by going to Config > Assessment > Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets.


The Wizard is split into 5 sections, Edit Codes, Edit Subjects, Edit Groups, Edit Terms and Edit Questions and Topics.

Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets Wizard

IMPORTANT : This guide is focussed on setting up Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets for the first time, however if you do come back at a later date to edit any of the criteria, it is important that when you make changes to any of these areas, you complete the Wizard by pressing Next in the top left corner until you receive the Confirmation message confirming you have completed all the steps and click Proceed, otherwise your changes may not be saved.

Edit Codes

From within Config > Assessment > Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets, select Edit Codes. This is where you will set up the Grade Set for the Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets.

Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets Wizard

If this is the first time your school has set up Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets, you will see 3 Grades are populated by default: Working Towards (WTS), Expected (EXS) and Greater Depth (GDS).

Edit Codes

You can Edit the existing Grades, Delete them or Add new Grades as required. Each Grade requires:

  • A Code
  • A Description
  • A Point Value (Note: Each Point Value must be unique and must be a whole number)
  • A Colour

To Edit an existing Grade, click the Edit icon to the right of the Grade you would like to change.

Edit Icon

Make any required changes to the Code, Description or Point Value by typing into the relevant field or change the Colour using the drop down. Then once you’re happy click the Tick to confirm.

Confirm Changes

To Delete an existing Grade, click the Delete Icon to the left of the Grade you would like to remove.

Delete Icon

This will prompt a pop-up to appear, click Proceed to confirm the deletion.


To Add a new Grade, simply enter the required information in the empty fields at the bottom of the table.

New Grade

Once you’ve completed all the information, click the Tick on the right hand side to confirm.

Confirm New Grade

Confirming the new Grade will add it to the list and open a new empty field at the bottom of the list for you to continue adding new Grades.

Add Further Grades

Once you’ve added all the required Grades, you’ll need to designate one of your Grades as the Expected Level to do this, click the Edit button to the right hand side of the Grade you would like to mark as the Expected Level.

Edit Icon

Tick the box in the Expected Level column.

Expected Level

Then click the Tick on the far right hand side to confirm.

Confirm Changes

At the bottom of the page, you also have 3 tick boxes:

Further Options
  • Standardised score is required – Ticking this box enables the Standardised Score column on the Marksheets, if this is left unticked there will ne no Standardised Score column included.
  • Include Mark per question – Ticking this enables the Marksheet to give you Analysis at a Question level. (Note: please ensure you have one Grade set as the Expected Level if you intend to use this)
  • Raw Scores will be converted to Standardised Scores – This allows the Marksheet to convert your Raw Scores to Standardised Scores automatically (Note: to use this you will be required to upload a conversion spreadsheet at a later stage in the setup process)

Once you’ve entered all the Grades and selected all necessary options, click Next in the top left hand corner to move to the Next section of the Wizard.


Edit Subjects

In this section you’ll set up which Subjects you would like to assess using the Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets.

If you would like to use PUMA or PiRA tests you can choose to include these by ticking the boxes at the top of the page.


Note: If you have used Standardised Test Assessment Sheets previously, selecting to include PUMA or PiRA will remove any scores you have already entered for Maths or Reading respectively.

Following this you need to configure which Subjects you would like to include. By Default Maths, Reading and Writing will be included. If required, you can remove these by clicking the Delete button to the left of the Subject you wish to Delete.

Delete Icon

This will prompt a pop-up to appear, click Proceed to confirm the deletion.


To Add an existing Subject to the list, select it from the drop down at the bottom of the list.

Add Subject

Then click the Tick on the right hand side to confirm, this will add your selection to the list and open a new empty field at the bottom of the list for you to continue adding Subjects as required.


If you would like to create a New Subject to add to the list you can do that by clicking New Subject at the top of the screen.

New Subject

This will open the a Group Creation pop up window, for more information on creating Subjects please see How to Create and Edit a Subject.

Once you’re happy with your selections, click Next in the top left hand corner to move to the Next section.


Edit Groups

In this section you will choose which Groups you would like to generate a Standardised Tests Assessment Sheet for.

This page will display a list of the Groups currently associated with the Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets.

Edit Groups

Click the blue Magnifying Glass to open the Group Selector.

Magnifying Glass

Use the Filters on the left to refine your search, once you’ve made any changes to the filters, click Find to update the list.

Group Selector Filter

Find the required Groups in the list and click on each of the Groups you would like to include once to highlight them blue, once you’ve selected all required Groups, click Done.

Group Selector

All selected Groups will now appear in the list.

Selected Groups

Once you’re happy, click Next in the top left hand corner to move to the Next section.


Edit Terms

In this section you will configure when each of your Terms start and which Terms you would like to record Standardised Tests Assessment Data for, for each Year Group.

Edit Terms

First, select the Year Group you would like to edit this information for by clicking on it in the list on the left

Year Group Selector

Next, configure the Terms that you will be recording Assessment Data for, for the selected Year Group by ticking or unticking them in the tick box to the left of each Term.

Term Selection

Then, for each of the Terms that you have selected to include, enter the Start Date of the Term using the Start Date field to the right hand side.

Enter Start Dates

Repeat this process for each Year Group.

Note: The Start Dates you enter will copy over to every Year Group. However, unless you choose to include all Terms for all Year Groups, you will need to configure which Terms to include for each Year Group individually.

In this section you can also choose to lock a Term, this prevents anybody from making any changes to the data for that Term. You can do this by clicking the Padlock icon.

Unlocked Term

When the Term is locked, the Padlock icon will show as closed.

Locked Term

Once you’re happy with your selections click Next in the top left corner to move to the Next section.


Edit Questions and Topics

In this section you will configure your Grade Thresholds, as well as the Raw Score Conversion and Link Questions to Topics, if you selected these options within the Edit Codes section of this guide.

First, to setup your Grade Thresholds, click the Download Icon under the Grade Thresholds section to Download a template.

Download Grade Thresholds

This will Download an Excel file that you can use as a template, open the file.

Note: Please ensure you allow pop-ups from Bromcom or the Download may not complete

The file will include a row for each Subject, Term and Year Group you have selected earlier in this guide, as well as a column for each Grade Code.

Grade Thresholds Example File

Enter your Grade Thresholds into the template by entering the minimum Standardised Score required to achieve each Grade for each Subject, Year Group and Term. Save the file, then return to Bromcom and select Browse beneath Grade Thresholds.


This will open My Files in a pop-up window, find the updated template file, select it and click Open.

My Files

The file will then appear in the Upload field, click Upload.


You will briefly see confirmation in the top right hand corner that the Thresholds have been uploaded successfully.


To configure your Raw Scores Conversions, click the Download icon in the Raw Scores Conversion section of the page.

Note: Please ensure you allow pop-ups from Bromcom or the Download may not complete.

Download Raw Scores Conversion

This will Download an Excel file that you can use as a template for your conversions. It has the selected Subjects, Year Groups and Terms down the left hand side, with the Standardised Scores across the top.

Raw Scores Conversion Example File

Enter the Raw Score against the relevant Standardised Score for each Subject, Year Group, and Term.

Once you’re made all the necessary changes, save the file and come back into Bromcom. Click Browse within the Raw Scores Conversion section.


This will open My Files in a pop-up, locate the completed file, select it and click Open.

My Files

The file will now appear in the Upload field, click Upload.


You will briefly receive confirmation that the Raw Score Conversion has been uploaded in the top right hand corner.


Finally, if you chose to Include Marks per Question in the Edit Codes section, you will have the option to link your test Questions to specific topics. To do this, within the Link Questions to Topics section, first select the Subject you would like to complete this for first from the drop down (Note: You will need to complete this for each Subject individually)and set the maximum number of Questions in your test.

Link Questions to Topics

Next, click the Download button to Download a template, open the downloaded file.

Link Questions to Topics Example File

Use this file to mark which Question in the test corresponds to which Topic for each Year Group and Term, by entering a Y in the column with the corresponding Question Number.

Once you’ve entered all the required information, save the file, and return to Bromcom. Select Browse within the Link Questions to Topics section.


This will open My Files in a pop-up, locate the file, click on it to select it and click Open.

My Files

The file will now appear in the Upload field, click Upload.


You will receive confirmation in the top right hand corner that the file has uploaded successfully


Once you’re happy, click Next in the top left hand corner.


You will receive the following warning message, click Proceed to save your changes and create the Standardised Tests Assessment Sheets with the current configurations.


You will receive further confirmation in the top right hand corner



To view the Marksheets that you’ve created using the Wizard, go to Modules > Assessment > Assessment Sheets list.


Note: The Assessment Sheets will automatically display to any Staff Members that are linked to the Groups you selected in the Edit Groups section. If the Marksheet isn’t displayed to any member of staff that requires access you may need to review which members of staff are linked to the Group, for more information on how to do this please see How to Add Staff to Teaching Classes and/or Groups.

Find the Standardised Test Assessment Sheet in the list and double click on it to Open the Marksheet in a new tab.

Assessment Sheets List

At the top of the Marksheet, select the Subject and Term you would like to view the Marksheet for.

Subject and Term Selections

The sheet will automatically open in Marking view. Marking view allows you to enter Marks for each Question, it will then give you a Total Score. If you selected to convert Raw Scores in Edit Codes then the Standardised Score will automatically populate based on the Total Score, if not you will need to enter the Standardised Score. The Grade and Grade Colour will then be populated based on your Thresholds.

Marking View

You also have the option to view the Marksheet in Analysis view, to do this, select Analysis from the View drop down at the top of the Marksheet.

View Selector

In Analysis view, the Marksheet will display how many Questions related to each Topic that each Student got right as well as their overall Raw Score, their Standardised Score and their Grade.

Analysis View

In the top right hand corner of the Marksheet you will also find a Tool Bar. Please see the following image for the functions of the different buttons on the Tool Bar.

Tool Bar Diagram
Updated on March 11, 2024

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