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  4. How to use Register Update Parameters

How to use Register Update Parameters

The Register Update Parameters page can be used to configure your Registers in Bromcom, such as determining whether to allow Marks to be copied into previous (historic) Registers.

For example, you can use this function if Students do not have to attend a PM Registration session and you would like the Attendance Mark from a Teaching Period which is scheduled after the PM Registration session to dropdown into the PM session.

Before reading this guide please note the following points;

  • Important: The Periods selected to update the AM/PM Registration Mark must be scheduled after the AM or PM sessions in the Period Structure of the School.
  • You cannot back date Register Update Parameters, to update Historic Attendance see How to use Bulk Attendance Update
  • Register Update Parameters can be reconfigured and changed throughout the Academic Year but it is important to note that the Settings selected will apply to the Whole School and only one set of Parameters can be active at a time.
  • There are a number of permutations to update your Registers so if you are unsure, please contact the Bromcom Helpdesk.

Use this guide to;

Configure Register Update Parameters

Scenario updating attendance for late students

Access: the minimum permissions required to access Register Update Parameters is found in the Attendance Module from Config> Set Up>Roles and Permissions


Configure Register Update Parameters

From the left Menu, go to Config > Attendance > Register Update Parameters.


Daily General Parameters

First select the Single Date or Multiple Dates that the settings will become active from, the Register type and the Days of the Week it applies to.

Ensure that you select Multiple Dates if you wish for the settings to retain in the future, otherwise the settings will revert the next day (if you use Single Date).

The Last Available Settings button displayed at the top right of the parameter page. When selected it will display the last used Settings for the selected date. This can be used as a reminder as to what the settings were on a previous day.

Academic Start Academic End – the date can be changed by typing in the new date or clicking on the calendar icon to the right and using the < > options to scroll forward or backward.

If you have a two week timetable then two rows will appear i.e. Week 1 and Week 2 or as the Weeks are named in Config>Curriculum>Period Structure.

In the panel below we have chosen Multiple Dates. If for example you have a PM registration that students attend on a Friday afternoon but on no other days then in this scenario you could untick Friday so then the Register Update Parameters you choose will not apply on that day.

Example Dates and Days

Daily Update Parameters

In order for the Update Registers Headers section to become editable you will need to tick at least Use AM Register and/or Use PM Register AND Use Period Register.

If you are not using Period Registers to Update AM Registers then you would not tick Use AM Register

Update Register Headers

Then in turn you must tick Update AM Registers from Periods and/or Update PM Registers from Periods in order for any of the 5 selections highlighted below to work.

  • Use Lesson Times to Update – if selected, a student who arrives later than the threshold but before the Late AM Period After Reg Closed setting, will be given a late mark (L). If they are later than the threshold and the Late AM Period After Reg. Closed setting they will be given an unauthorised late (U), rather than late (L)
    • For example a period is 50 minutes, the threshold is set for 10 and the Late AM Period is set for P2. The student arrives 9 minutes late for P2 – a late mark (L) is applied. The student arrives 11 minutes or later for P2 – an unauthorised late mark (U) is applied.
  • Lesson Times Threshold – used to determine the number of minutes for the Late Threshold. If the option to Use Lesson Times to Update is ticked, students will get an Unauthorised Late when they exceed the Threshold (as outlined above).
  • Only Update Missing Marks – Only Update the Missing Mark – This will only update AM/PM if there is a missing mark. If a mark already exists, it will not get updated.
  • Update Unauthorised Marks To Authorised Marks – if selected will only update unauthorised marks with authorised marks. If a mark given is not an authorised mark the unauthorised mark will remain unchanged.
    • This option is not available if the Only Update Missing Marks option has been selected.
  • Update All Unauthorised Marks – will update Unauthorised Marks with any Mark entered.
    • This option is not available if the Only Update Missing Marks option has been selected.
  • Update Mirror Marks for All Types of AM/PM – if selected AM/PM will be updated every time a mark is updated within the selected periods.
    • This option is not available if the Only Update Missing Marks option has been selected.

Update AM Registers from Periods:

  • Min AM Period to Update – this has a dropdown menu displaying all the periods before PM registration. Select the first period that the marks will be applied from
  • Max AM Period to Update – this has a dropdown menu displaying all the periods before PM registration. Select the last period that the marks will be applied from, or N/A if only using the minimum period to update from
    • For example if there are 4 periods before PM registration, selecting a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 will apply marks into AM registration from periods 1 and 2 only, no marks from periods 3 and 4 will be applied to the AM registration session. Selecting a minimum period of 2 and a maximum period of N/A will apply marks from periods 2 onwards.
  • Late AM Period Before Reg. Closed – will give a Late mark (L) for a student arriving on or before the selected period, no mark will be applied if N/A is selected.
  • Late AM Period After Reg. Closed – will give an unauthorised late (U) for a student arriving on or before the selected period, (but after the Late AM Period before Reg. Closed, if selected). Only Authorised Late (L) marks will be applied if N/A is selected.  
  • Mirror AM – if selected, the default mark meanings for the marks entered in the selected periods above will be applied to the AM Registration session.
    • For example, if an O mark is entered into the selected period, an N mark will be applied to the AM Registration session, as N is the default mark meaning for an unauthorised absence.
    • If you wish for the mark to be applied in the AM Registration session exactly as entered in the selected period, use the Select AM Mirror Marks field to add the attendance codes that you wish to be applied exactly as entered.

Update PM Registers from Periods:

  • Min PM Period to Update – this has a dropdown menu displaying all the periods after the PM registration session. Select the first period that the marks will be applied from.
  • Max PM Period to Update – this has a dropdown menu displaying all the periods after PM registration session. Select the last period that the marks will be applied from, or N/A if only using the minimum period to update from.
    • For example, if there are 3 periods after PM registration, selecting a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 6 will apply marks into the PM registration session from periods 5 and 6 only, no marks from subsequent periods will be applied. If there is only 1 period after PM registration, select that period for both minimum and maximum periods to apply from. Selecting a minimum period of 5 and a maximum period of N/A will apply marks from periods 5 onwards.
  • Late PM Period Before Reg. Closed – will give a Late mark for a student arriving on or before the selected period, no mark will be dropped down if N/A is selected.
  • Late PM Period After Reg. Closed  – will give an unauthorised late for a student arriving on or before the selected period, (but after the Late PM Period before Reg. Closed, if selected). Only Authorised Lates marks will be applied if N/A is selected
  • Mirror PM – if selected, the default mark meanings for the marks entered in the selected periods above will be applied to the PM Registration session.
    • For example, if an O mark is entered into the selected period, an N mark will be applied to the PM Registration session, as N is the default mark meaning for an unauthorised absence.
    • If you wish for the mark to be applied in the PM Registration session exactly as entered in the selected period, use the Select PM Mirror Marks field to add the attendance codes that you wish to be applied exactly as entered.

When finished click the Save button.

Scenario Updating attendance for late Students

Below is a scenario which is commonly requested that you may find applicable.

For Schools who have an AM Registration Period before Period 1, the Register Update Parameters can be used to mark Students who were Late/Absent from AM Registration by using the Period 1 Register.

So if a Student receives an N Code (No reason provided) in AM Registration, but then are marked Present in Period 1, their Mark in Period 1 will automatically update their AM Mark to an L Code (Late).

To do this, the following settings are required on the Register Update Parameters page:

  • Multiple Dates selected.
  • Select the Days of the Week you want this setting to apply.
  • Make sure Use AM Register, Use PM Register and Use Period Register are all ticked.

Next, you need to make sure that Update AM Registers from Periods is ticked.

Lastly, set Min AM Period to Update and Late AM Period Before Reg Closed as 1.

These settings mean that a Student can have their AM Mark automatically updated based on their Period 1 Mark.

Note: If the Student is still missing/unaccounted for after Period 1, then their AM Mark will default to a U Code (Late after reg. closed).

Updated on June 10, 2024

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