Note: All pages shown below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
In this guide, we will show you how to use the Registration Options page, which is available to Primary and Secondary phases.
Registration Options allows you to amend how the Registers are displayed for Teaching Staff and in some cases, what they are able to change on a Register. This guide will be comprised of five sections;
- Defaults for Period Durations
- History Options
- Rolling Register Options
- Default Reasons for change
- Secondary Registration Options
- General Options
See also:
- How to Use Register Update Parameters
- How to Create and Manage Attendance Codes/Marks
- How to Create an On Report Card
From the Menu on the left, go to Config > Attendance > Registration Options.
This will open the Registration Option page which shows five sections, Defaults for Period Durations, History Options, Rolling Register Options, Default Reason for Change, Secondary Registration Options and General Options.
Defaults for Period Durations
- Include Withdrawal Groups in Timetable – this option will identify any Withdrawal Groups as normal timetabled lessons.
- Include Registration Periods – this option will allow the user to Include the AM and/or PM registration periods within the timetable.
- Sort Class List by Ad. No – this will display the students on the register in admission number order
- Include Educational Marks in Attendance Calculation – this option will include any educational activity marks in the Present Percentage. This affects the figure displayed on the Attendance Dashboard, the Student List page, and any communications using the ‘Present Percentage’ dynamic field, for example when using Send SMS/Email from the student list page.
- Additional student info restricted to tutors on Registers – this option will prevent any teachers who are not tutors from accessing or viewing any students’ Additional Information
History Options
- History Alterable – this option allows the attendance history to be amended, but cannot changed to a Present mark unless the Allow History to Present option has been selected
- Special Tutor History – this will display the attendance for both classes and tutor group for all students who are in that tutor group register
- Allow History to Present – this option will allow an historical mark to be changed to a present mark, if not selected and a mark is amended to Present a message will be given explaining this is not allowed
Rolling Register Options
- Display Rolling Registers – this option will display the previously taken registration marks on teachers’ registers. This allows teachers to see previous attendance to see if there is a continuation or if this is a first absence
- Rolling Register AM/PM Only – this option will display the previously taken registration marks for AM and PM registration only
- Copy Rolling Register to Current Attendance – this option will allow for the given attendance marks on a previous registration to be copied to the current attendance registration
- Show Total Late Minutes Today – this option is used to determine whether or not the total amount of late minutes is displayed
- Default Attendance Mark Protection – this option lets you determine whether or not the Default Attendance Mark for a student is Protected
- Populate missing registers widget for – will display the information in the Missing Registers Widget for the selection AM/PM Periods, Class Periods or All Periods
Default Reasons for Change
- Unexplained Absent to Late – this dropdown list lets you determine a default reason as to why a student’s registration mark was changed from Unexplained Absence to Late
- Unexplained Absent to other absent – this dropdown list lets you determine a default reason as to why a student’s registration mark was changed from Unexplained Absence to a different kind of absence
- Any Other Change – this dropdown list lets you determine a default reason for the change of any other type of registration mark
Once you have configured these settings to suit your preferences you can save any changes by clicking the Save button
Secondary Registration Options
Note: Primary Schools can ignore this section, unless using Timetabled Periods.
- Hide the On Report Symbol when Projector Mode is turned on
- Show a warning message if a saved register has incomplete ‘On Report’ entries
- Hide Class (Lessons) Registers – if selected will only display AM/PM Registration
General Options
Use this checkbox to enable (ticked) /disable (unticked) the Mark All As Present? button used in the Take Register screen. The default will be set to enabled, leaving it up to the schools to switch to off if required.
Note: If the Mark All As Present is disabled, it will be hidden in the Take Register screen.
Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions > Attendance > Maintenance
The option will have to be enabled from the Attendance module for the appropriate Roles.