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  5. How to use the Review Pupil Choices page

How to use the Review Pupil Choices page

In this guide, we will show you how to use the Review Pupil Choices page within the Options module.

Access: The minimum permission required to access the Review Pupil Choices page is found in the Options module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.

Pre-requisites: In order to use the Review Pupil Choices page, you will need to already have an Options Setup in place.

Prerequisite guides:

Related guides:

To begin, go to Modules > Options > Tools > Review Pupil Choices.

This page will display all of your active Options Setups.

Work through the next five steps to complete the review of pupil choices:

1: Open Review Pupil Choices popup

Find the correct Options Setup (if you have multiple) and press Review Pupil Choices.

2: Review individual pupil choices

The Rules Met column highlights if students have met the import validation rules with either a green badge (Yes), a red badge (No), or a yellow badge (Yes – validated but rules have been broken). Choose the required student and click Actions.

This takes you to the selected Student’s Choices.

3: Validate individual pupil choices

Example of a student’s choices that meet the validation rules:

Users can edit these choices if needed and then click Validate.

Users can click on Set Preferences and change the Order of Preference by dragging and dropping the subjects in the preferred order using the six dot icon to the left of the Subject name. 

Image #2

Example of a student’s choices that break the validation rules:

Rules which apply to weighted subjects appear in black.

Choices that meet the validation rules are displayed in green.

The student’s choices that break the validation rules are displayed in red. They will need to be amended and finally validated.

When you are done editing Pupil Choices, press Validate.

Note: Users can edit these choices and validate them for pupils, even if they still break the rules. Validated choices that break the rules will be alerted to the user with the following popup and the status will be denoted in the table with a yellow badge. 

4: Submit pupil choices for the setup

Pupil choices can be submitted when all of the status’ are a combination of green and yellow.

Once submitted, an information popup will alert the user if some student choices do not meet the rules.

Image #2

Note: Another spreadsheet could be imported (with the validation process being repeated), and this will overwrite anything in the holding table, meaning duplicates will not be created of anything that has already been imported.

5: Review Summary

This will return you to the Review Pupil Choices page, where you can press Review Summary.

This will open the Choice Summary table where you can see each Pupil’s Choices in bulk and a more visually appealing way.

Note: This table can be exported if needed by clicking the dropdown arrow next to Export.

Updated on November 12, 2024

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