In this guide, we will show you how to transfer students’ Personal and Basic information, plus Phone and Address details, between schools in a Trust from Vision via the Master MIS.
Vision > List > Students

Select the required students, and then click on the Actions button and select Transfer Data from the dropdown.
Note: currently only a maximum of ten students can be selected. This will change in future releases.

Complete the four step wizard.
Step 1: Select Destination School – Use the All Schools, Phases, or School Set radio buttons and their associated dropdown lists to select the type and level of information to transfer between schools. Select the source school(s) and destination school(s) from the School Filters and Destinations areas, and then click Next.

Step 2: Data Area – Select the required data areas to transfer. All of the Personal and Basic information is selected by default, but is read-only and cannot be removed. Phone and Address information is selected by default, but can unselected if required.
For the Attending School as a Guest option, enrolment status is not copied and is set to Guest. The Enrolment Start Date is set to the Data Transfer Date. All data items are selected by default, but Personal and Basic information is read-only and cannot be removed.

Select the required options, and then click Next to proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Review – Summary information about the data to be transferred is displayed. Expand the school row to see a detailed status for data areas to identify which data has, or has not, been copied.
There is an option to Export as Excel.

The Status column displays the following information for the student record data:
- Create – the data record will be created successfully.
- Skip – the data record will be created successfully, but some data areas will be skipped.
- Update – the data record will be updated successfully.
- Failed – the data record will not be created/updated.
Click Next to continue.
Step 4: Transfer – Click Submit to transfer the student records. A confirmation popup is displayed.

When the transfer is complete, you can click Download Summary to download a spreadsheet of the information.