This allows the Import and Export of Assessment Templates – for example, if you would like to Export a Template from one School to be imported in another School within a Trust or group of schools.
Access: The minimum permissions required to access Export Template can be found in the Assessment>Manage Templates module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.
Export Templates
Go to Modules > Assessment and from Routines select Manage Templates.
Select a Tracking Template to Export (more than one can be selected) and then from the Actions drop down choose Export Templates.
Click the Export button and the Template will be Exported to your Downloads area as an XML file.
The Exported Template will show as below on your pc;
To Import a Template go to Modules>Assessment Manage Templates then from the Actions drop down choose Import Templates.
Select the file to Import by clicking on the Browse button, then locate the xml file you want to Import on your pc.
When you’re ready to Import, click on the Analyze button
In the example below Name 11 Year Group (ONROLLYGRP) has matched and mapped to Year 11 and 3D Design SUBJECT has matched and mapped.
When you’re done, click on the Next button.
If any of the Components do not match, they can be matched manually from dropdown lists that will become available alongside the Components in question.
In the example below Philosophy is not a Subject in the School importing the Tracking Template so the option is to either click Create New or choose from the list of Subjects.
This can also be used in the example the Exporting School has Art & Design as a Subject and the Importing School has GCSE Art & Design as a Subject ( both being the same subject/level) in that example you can choose the Subject from the drop down
When the Components match click on the Import button.
A Confirmation message will be displayed select Cancel or Proceed.
A message will be displayed to let you know the Import has been successful.