How to Create or Expire an Event Type This article will outline the steps involved to carry out the following processes within the Behaviour Config area: See also:...
How to Create a New Behaviour Event Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions. A Behaviour Event is an occurrence of something that has taken place...
How to Create a New Behaviour Action Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions. An Action is an occurrence triggered by an Event or a number of Events...
How to Create a New Behaviour Event Group Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions. A Behaviour Event can be put in an Event...
How to Create a New Behaviour Outcome Behaviour Outcomes are User Defined Fields of Text that outline a specific Outcome for a Behaviour Event. For example, a Teacher enters an Event of Student using...
How To Create Behaviour Event Classifications Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions. Classifications are used as a way of classifying Behaviour Events into certain...
How to Create a New Behaviour Detention Type A Behaviour Detention Type is a Detention that can be either Scheduled or selected within the system by a range of pre-selected Roles. A Detention Type can also...
How to Schedule A Behaviour Detention In this guide, we will show you how to Schedule a Detention. Detention Scheduling is used to Schedule different types...