A Behaviour Detention Type is a Detention that can be either Scheduled or selected within the system by a range of pre-selected Roles. A Detention Type can also be attached to a Behaviour Event.
Access: The minimum permissions required to access Detention Types can be found in the Behaviour module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.

See also: How to Schedule a Detention.
From the left Menu go to Config > Behaviour > Detention Types.

Note: The Show only active option will show Detention Types that are Active on the Date entered.
To create a New Detention Type click New.

Complete the fields:
- Name – this can be up to 10 characters in length (No Spaces)
- Description (if needed) – this can be up to 30 characters in length
- Active – select to make Active, or leave to activate later
- Manual Detention entry require Authorisation – select if you want to Authorise any Detentions that are added
- Period Type – select from the drop down list
- Access Permission – who can enter the Detention.
Note: The Break, Lunch and After school Periods are only available if they have been created in the Period Structure page.
When you’re finished, click Create.