Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
School Staff can use this page to produce Parent/Carer Labels to print off on label paper or export. Labels can be configured to the users individual requirements in Configure Label Design.
Note: Parental Salutation and Parental Addressee can be bulk validated in Modules > Administration > Salutation And Addressee.
From the left Menu go to Reports > Administration > Parent/Carer Labels.
In the Student Name box either type the name of a Student or click the Find button to open the Student Selector to choose more than one Student or a Group of Students.
Choose the Print Order from either Last Name or Tutor Gp then Name.
From the Labels to Page dropdown choose the required Label Size for your printer paper this defaults to 16 – Avery L7162.
If the Show parent salutation box is ticked the Labels will show the Parental information.
If not selected the Labels will show as Parent/Carer.
Note: The Salutation and Address can be bulk validated in Modules > Administration > Salutation and Addressee.
Select the Filter for parents not at same home address as student option to only produce Labels for a Parent not at the same Home Address as the Student.
Select the Configure label design option to create a bespoke Label in the format and order you require from a list of Data Items.
Tick to Include Student Photo if required
Choose the required font dropdown list.
Click on each line on the right, the line will highlight yellow when selected, then select the required Data Items from the left hand list. Click to add to the Label Design on the right.
Select and click to Remove an item or select the Clear All button to start again.
Click Save to run the report.