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  4. How to Create a Student Sibling Report

How to Create a Student Sibling Report

Users can use Quick Reports to create a Student Sibling table report quickly and easily.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access Reporting are found in the Reporting Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.

Report Design Permissions – This is additional sub section within Reporting and allows you to control which specific Domains (areas of data) Users can access to Report on/create Reports for.

Reporting Permissions

See also How to Create a Quick Report for further details on using Quick Reports

Go to Reports>Adhoc>Create New Report> Quick Report

This page will open automatically with the Students (Basic) domain selected at the top of the screen and 4 columns added Preferred Last Name, Preferred First Name, Admission Number and Year Group

Quick Reports Default Screen

To add Siblings column(s) when using the Students (Basic) domain click on the search icon in the left hand Data Items header and type in Sibling, you will then see the following 2 items, click as required to add Student Sibling List and/or Student siblings on roll list to your Quick Report.


If both are added to your report then these Sibling lists will each add a column.

In the event a Student has more than one Sibling they will show with a comma between the names as per the examples below i.e. there will only be one row per Student in your report even if the Student has more than one Sibling.

Sibling List Data Items

In the event you require a report with a Row per Student per Sibling then you would need to select the Students domain from the top drop down of the Quick Report page as per the example below.

Students Domain

Then you can click on the arrows on the Data Items list in the left hand side to see related Data Items and add in your required columns.

In this example we have clicked on the arrow next to Personal Information and selected Preferred Full Name under Names and Photo.

Tip: you can type in the empty search box to Search data items as appose to scrolling through the full list to save time. See example below where we have typed in preferred to see all the Data Items with preferred in.

Tick the item and click Apply to add the item to your Quick Report.


For Sibling Data Items click on the Siblings arrow on the left hand side.

Click Siblings Arrow

You can then add in the required Data items, use the right hand scroll bar to scroll down to see more fields.

In our example we have ticked to add in Lives with Student, Preferred Full Name and then we’ve also scrolled down to Pastoral to add in Year Group and Tutor Group columns for the Sibling.

Tick the items and click Add to Add them to your Quick Report.

Student Siblings Data Items

Below is an example of the Report, you can see for this Report there is a Row per Student and per Sibling so if a Student has more than one Sibling this will show as more than one Row

Example Student Domain Sibling Report
Updated on November 16, 2023

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