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  4. How to resolve SWF Census Query 6260Q

How to resolve SWF Census Query 6260Q

In this guide, we will show you how to resolve the School Workforce Census Query 6260Q.

For further guidance on the SWF Census see here.

If you have run your SWF Census and are finding the 6260Q Query for some of your staff members, you can use the steps in this guide to resolve it.

DfE Validation

To begin, you will need to go to the SENCO staff member’s record and select the Qualification panel.


There are two methods available for adding the NASENCO Qualification to staff members. Please see: How to add NASENCO Qualification.

Once you have followed the above guide, you can run a new SWF Census and after you Save & Validate it, the Query should clear.

If the Query does not clear but you are absolutely certain that all the data in your system is correct, you will need to upload a Return Level Note to Collect when you submit your Census.

IMPORTANT in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.

Updated on November 7, 2024

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