Note: All pages below are subject to having the relevant Roles and Permissions.
Staff can use the Head Count Report to produce a Grid/Matrix style Report to show the Total Numbers of Students in either Teaching Classes, Tutor Groups, Houses, Years and Gender.
From the Home Screen choose Reports>Curriculum>Head Count.

- Choose a single Column Group from the drop down.
- In the Row Groups either select a Single Row Group or Control and Click to select multiple Rows.
- Choose the Active On Date, if reporting for the next academic year move the date forward.
- Click to Show Sub Totals if required
- Click to Filter by the Column Group if required
In this example.
Column Group = Year Groups
Row Groups = Tutors Group & Gender
Ticked to Show Sub Totals and Filtered by Column Group to select Year 11 only.

Click Preview to run the report.
Note the Sub Totals and only Year 11 showing.

For a whole school Head Count choose the following parameters as an example

This will produce the following report, note the Year Groups are in the Columns and the Tutor Groups are in the Rows.

In this example the Tutor Groups are in the Columns and the Year Groups are in the Rows.