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  4. How to view Curriculum Reports

How to view Curriculum Reports

Use this guide to see examples of the built in Curriculum Reports. The report examples and screenshots in this guide are taken from a Secondary database and are for illustration purposes only and may differ from the reports in your school.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access the built in Curriculum Reports are found in the Curriculum Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.


For Timetable Reports see here

To access the built in Curriculum Reports go to Reports>Curriculum


Academic Calendar

Use the Academic Calendar Report to check for example that all Staff Only Days and Public Holidays have been added to your Academic Calendar.

You have the option to select the Year, choose specific Terms and Display Calendar Header, Page Break by Term and Display Key to Academic Days

You could use this report to check all your Academic Days have been entered correctly when performing your End of Year Procedures

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Class Assignments

Use Class Assignments to see Class Lists with Teacher, Room and Student Information for a selected day.

Type in the Group Name or click Find to open the Group Selector

You could use this report to see what Year 11 classes are running on a certain day.

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In this example all the Year 11 Teaching Classes have been selected however, the report will only show Class Lists for the classes that are running on the Membership Date


Class List Summary

This reports shows totals for the selected Groups with Teacher, Room, Gender Split and Student Totals. No Student information is in the report.

In the example below all the Maths Teaching Classes have been selected

You could use this report for Head of Departments or Curriculum Managers to see class totals for the selected Department.

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Class Group/List

This report is a basic Class List with the option to choose Groups, choose a selected date range, show the latest or all groups. You also have the option to show Student and/or Teacher List and display by preferred or formal name.

You could use this report to produce hard copies of Class Lists in the event Teachers do not have access to online registers

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Example with Student Details

Course List

Either type in the Course Name or click Find to open the Course Selector list

Choose the Show All, Latest of Show for Selected Dates

Choose Display Type Class, Student or Class and Student

You could use this list report to see Course information for Students and/or Classes

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Parameters Example
Display by Student Example Course List
Display by Class Example Course List
Display by Class and Student Example

Exception Report for Added Students

Choose the Start Date, this can be no later from todays date as the report looks at previous attendance.

Choose the Class that the Student has been Added To

Use the Exception Report to see attendance information for Students Added as Inclusions in Teaching Classes. See How to use Group Exceptions

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Example Parameters
Example Exception Report

Free Rooms

Use this list report to see Free Rooms defined by Date Range, Time or Period. Filter by Room Type, Capacity and choose to Only Include various facilities i.e. Data Projector

In this example All Periods has been selected and Access to one or more PCs ticked

You could use this report to see what Rooms are available if you need an empty classroom to arrange a meeting.

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Parameter Example
Example Free Rooms

Free Staff

Use this list report to see Free Staff on a selected date or date range, choose Time or Period and filter by Staff Type if required

In this example we are looking for a Teacher who is free Periods 4 & 5 on the selected date

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Parameter Example
Example Free Staff Report

Head Count

This popular Grid Summary Report can be used in multiple ways to look at Head Counts for various types of Groups for example Year Groups, Tutor Groups or Classes with Gender information if required

In this example Year Groups are in the columns and Row Groups are Class Groups and Gender, with a Filter on Column Group for Year 11

You could use this report to see how genders are split across Tutor Groups

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Parameter Example
Example Head Count

In this example Tutor Group is in Columns and Gender in Rows

Example Head Count

Learning Aims

Use this list report to report on Learning Aims by Class/Group, Student or Learning Aim with an option to amend the date range which defaults to today.

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Example Learning Aim Report

QN Data

Use this report to report on QN Data, either type in the QN and Subject Classification Code or click Find to open the full list.

There is an option to include QN Currently in use or All available

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Parameter Example
Example QN Report

Group Timetable

Use this grid report to see a timetable for selected groups of Rooms, Staff and Students for a selected date range and selected period(s)

In this example we want to see the selected Rooms timetables for period 4 and 5 on wednesday

Click on the top left to click the ticks for the whole week

Choose to Show the Periods as Row Headers or Column Headers

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Click to clear the ticks

Then click in 4 and 5 for Wednesday in this example

Select the periods

You can also click on the Day Name or the Period Headers if you wanted to see all the periods for Wednesday or all period 5’s for example

One day selected
Room Group Timetable Example

Staff Group Timetable

Staff Group Timetable Example

Student Group Timetable

Student Group Timetable Example

Timetable Clashes

Use this list report to see Clashes for Rooms, Students or Teachers

Choose the required Room, Student or Teacher or click find to open the full list

Amend the date ranges if required

This report can be used as part of your End of Year procedure to check for any clashes

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In this example on the first row you can see 10-Ac1-A clashes with 7K-Mu2

Example Room Timetable Clashes Report

Year Assignment

Use this list report to see a list of students in a selected Year Group. Choose the required Year Group from the dropdown. Leave Year Group as NOT SELECTED to see all Year Groups

Change the Membership Date if required, this defaults to todays date.

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Example Year Assignment
Updated on July 22, 2024

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