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  4. How to report on number of lessons per week for Teaching Staff
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  3. How to report on number of lessons per week for Teaching Staff

How to report on number of lessons per week for Teaching Staff

Use this guide to create a report which shows the number of teaching periods a teacher has in a week.

The examples below are taken from a Secondary School database and show the number of Teaching Classes a member of staff has over a period of time defined when building the reports.

This process can be done either by exporting a built in report in the Curriculum Module or by creating a Quick Report and then using a Pivot Table to further summarize the data.

Staff Group Timetable

Create Pivot Table

Quick Report

Access: the minimum permissions to access Curriculum Reports are found in the Curriculum Module of Config> Set Up> Roles and Permissions

Curriculum Reports Permissions

Access: The minimum permissions required to access Reporting are found in the Reporting Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.

Report Design Permissions – This is additional sub section within Reporting and allows you to control which specific Domains (areas of data) Users can access to Report on/create Reports for.

Reporting Permissions

See also How to Create a Quick Report and How to Run the Staff Group Timetable Report

Staff Group Timetable

Go to Reports>Curriculum>Staff Group Timetable


Click Find to open the Select Staff list to select the required Staff you want to report on.

Staff Name>Find

In the example below we have chosen Teacher in the left hand side Staff Type drop down and then click Find to refresh the list, alternatively you can Select All or simply click on the Staff names you want to report on.

Staff Selector

In the example below we have chosen the following parameters;

  • One week period to report on, you can set these dates from Week Start and End, this can be more than a one week period of time in the example you have a two week timetable
  • Clicked on the AM and PM headers to remove these from our report as we only want to see the count of Teaching Classes
  • On Show Periods as clicked Column Header
Example Report Parameters

When you are happy with your selections you can either click Preview to see the report or click Data which will show the Data in an online spreadsheet which you can then Export.

In the example below we have clicked Data.


You can remove Rows in this view if required by clicking on the x on the left hand side.

Example Data

Click Export, this will download a csv version of the data and save it locally on your computer

Create Pivot Table

In the examples below we are using Excel Version 2312.

Locate the Export on your computer and open, below is an example Export. In this example we have added a filter to the column headers

To create a Pivot Table to further summarize the data click Insert then on the Pivot Table drop down click From Table/Range

This will automatically select the data in the Export and then click OK


This will create and open on a new tab called Sheet 2

Sheet 2

Then you need to define which items you want to summarize in the Pivot Table

In the example below in the right hand PivotTable Fields we have dragged Staff Code into Rows and Class Name into Values

This will create the following example Pivot Table

Quick Report

To create this in Quick Reports go to Reports>Ad hoc>Quick Report

Then from the domain drop down at the top of the screen choose Staff or Class Timetables which is in the Curriculum domain.

Staff Class Timetables

IMPORTANT: in the first instance click on All Date Intervals & Filters at the top of the screen, this is to define the data range for the classes you want to see.

Click on the black arrow next to Staff Class Timetables to see the Date Interval

This will default to Current which will just show the Staff Class Timetables for today.

Click on the drop down arrow on Date Interval

  • In this example we have chosen Show for Selected Dates then we have defined the Start and End dates.
  • You can if required toggle on Runtime which will ask you to confirm the Start and End dates when you run the report.
  • When you are happy with your choices click +Add
Date Intervals and Filters

Then in the Data Items list next to Staff Basic Details click on the arrow, then in this example we have chosen Staff Code.

Click +Add.

Staff Basic Details

Then in the Data Items list click on the arrow next to Classes and in this example we have chosen Class Name.

Click +Add.


Then finally in the Data Items we have chosen Period Name and Day of week

Also we have clicked on the three lines in the Staff Code header and unticked the blank box as we had some Teaching Classes in our databases that didn’t have a teacher assigned, click Apply.

Staff Code Filter
Filter out blanks

This produced the following Quick Report.

Example Quick Report

When you are happy with your Quick Report click Save.

You will be asked to define a Report Title, define a Folder Name from the drop down choices, and set Report Permissions.

Click Save.

Save Quick Report

Then click the top right Export icon (Export formatted report to Excel)


This will download a copy of the Export and save it locally on your computer.

Example Export

You can then repeat the instructions in Create Pivot Table in this guide.

Updated on July 22, 2024

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