In this guide, we will cover how to create Blocks and Bands manually within the MIS. These can be created and used as a means of searching for a student, they can also be created outside of the MIS if you use the timetabling software e-Timetable.
See also: e-Timetable beginners guide and How to view existing Groups
Access: In order to create Blocks and Bands on the Groups page, the minimum permissions you will need are found in the Curriculum Module of Config>Setup>Roles and Permissions.

Creating a Band
Disclaimer; Any names/dates etc used below are only examples, the main objective of the guide is to outline the process for creating Blocks and Bands.
To begin with creating a Block or Band, you will need to go to the Groups page.
Once you are there, change the Group Type to either Block or Band. In the example below, a Band will be created.

Use the New button at the top of the page to being the creation process.

In the example below a Band is being created, once you have set the basic details such as Name and Year Group, press Save & Edit.

This will take you into the Band and allow you to amend the details within it which are divided into panels;

Basic Group Details is the first panel which was already populated when the Band was first created. It now cannot be edited.

The second panel is for Student Memberships. This allows you to add/assign specific students to the Band for a date range of your choice.

The next panel is for Blocks and allows you to assign the Band to a Block.

Finally, the last panel is for Classes. This allows you to assign specific Teaching Classes against the Band.

Once you are done, scroll to the top of the page and press Save.

Creating a Block
Disclaimer; Any names/dates etc used below are only examples, the main objective of the guide is to outline the process for creating Blocks and Bands.
Creating a Block is also done via the Groups page.
Set the Group Type to Block and press New.

This will provide you with a small window where you can enter the basic details of the Block you are creating.
Once the details are added, press Save & Edit.

This will take you in to the actual Block and allow you to see/amend the data within it, which is organised by panels;
Basic Group Details is the first panel and is essentially the same data as the previous screen, only the Name and Description can be changed now.

You then have Additional Group Details, which is where you can link Bands to the Block.

Lastly, there is a Classes panel which lets you add individual Teaching Classes to this Block.

Once you have entered all the relevant details, scroll up to the top of the page and press Save.

This concludes how to create Blocks and Bands manually within the MIS.