Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
A House is a collection of Students. If you are looking to create a collection of Subjects see How to Create a New Department.
From the left Menu select Groups, then from the Group Type, select House from the dropdown list and New.
Complete Name, Description and Start Date, which are all are mandatory fields marked with a * and add a House Colour if required.
The House can be edited and an End Date added at any time.
Click Save or to add a Head of House or other House Staff, Students or Tutor Groups at this time, select Save and Edit.
A new page will be displayed with Basic Group Details, Additional Groups Details, Associated Staff, Student Memberships and Tutor Groups.
Associate Staff
In the Associated Staff panel click on the Add New Record option. Then from the dropdown lists select the Staff Name, the Role and the Start Date, untick the End Date tick box to add an End Date, then under the Actions column click the Tick.
Repeat to add Additional Staff.
Staff can be Edited or Deleted by clicking on the Pencil to Edit or the Dustbin to Delete under the Actions column to the right of the member of Staff.
Add Students
The Student Memberships panel, allows Students to be added individually, using the Add New Record option and in bulk using the Add Multiple option or Transferred using the Transfer option.
To Add a Single Student select the Add New Record option, add the Student, untick the End Date tick box to add an End Date, if required, then under the Actions column click the Tick.
Repeat to add Additional Students.
Students can be Edited, Deleted or Transferred to another House by clicking on the double Arrows to Transfer, the Pencil to Edit or the Dustbin to Delete under the Actions column to the right of the Student.
Selecting the Add Multiple option, will open a pop-up for the House.
Either enter the Student names or click the Magnifying Glass icon to use the Student Selector option.
The selected Students will be displayed in the Selection List.
Click Save to add them.
To Edit Multiple Students, use the selection boxes and the click the Edit button.
This will open the Edit pop-up, listing the selected Students, make the change and Save or Cancel.
To Transfer one or more Students to another House, use the selection boxes and click the Transfer button. This will open the Transfer pop-up. Select the House from the Group Name dropdown list and click Save to complete or Cancel.
Tutor Groups
The Tutor Groups panel, allows Students to be added from a Tutor Group, using the Add New Record option
To Add a Tutor Group select the Add New Record option. Find the Tutor Group from the dropdown and then click on the Tick Icon to the right of the record.
Repeat to add Additional Tutor Groups.
Tutor Groups can be Edited or Deleted by clicking on the Pencil to Edit or the Dustbin to Delete under the Actions column to the right of the Tutor Group.