In this guide, we will take you through the Global Configuration page in the MAT Finance Module
Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
From the left Menu go to Config> Finance > Global Configuration

This will open the Global Configuration page where you will see three boxes for completion.
MAT Finance Global Settings > VAT Registration Number

Enter your VAT Registration Number
Making Tax Digital (MTD) Settings

If your Trust is registered for MTD, please tick the ‘Use VAT 100 (MTD)‘ box. You will then need to authenticate the link to your HMRC Tax Platform. Select Authenticate. This will take you to the HMRC Site on a new tab. Complete your login information to create the link for VAT 100.
Annual Accounts Return (ARR) API Settings

To enable DfE AAR API Automation, tick the box
Further information will appear

Enter Companies House Number and select the sites to be included in the AAR. Select the Central Site
Once the page has been completed, Select Save