In this guide, we will take you through the process of creating Profile Models in the MAT Finance Module
Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
From the left Menu go to Config> Finance > Profile Models

Here you will see a list of current Profile Models in the system that can then be used within the Budgeting area of MAT Finance

To Add a New Profile Model, click +New

This will bring up another table on the screen for completion

Enter a Description and the percentage for the months required

Note: The percentage amounts must add up to 100
If you would like to spread the amounts evenly, select the Spread Remainder. This will give each month 8.33%

If there are certain months required (ie Termly) Select the months required and click Even Spread Selected button. This will divide the amount between the selected months

Once complete, click Save

This will now show list on the left and in the Budgeting area of MAT Finance.