Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
This area is used to set up Product Categories in the School Shop, for example Uniform or Equipment. You need to create Product Categories before creating a new Product.
See also: How to Configure Online Payments and How to Create a Product
From the left Menu go to Config > MyChildAtSchool > Product Categories.
This will open the Product Categories page.
To create a new Category click on the New button, the Add Product Category panel will now display to the right.
Add a Name and a Code and tick the Active box to make the Category Active, if you want it to be available for use now. Set as Menu Item will determine whether it shows on the Menu in MCAS, when you’re finished click Create.
A Product Category can be Edited by clicking on the Product Category Name in the table, this will open the Edit Product Category panel. Make your changes and Save.