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  4. How to Configure Dinner Money for MyChildAtSchool

How to Configure Dinner Money for MyChildAtSchool

Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.

In this guide, we will cover how to Configure your Dinner Money settings for use with MCAS.

See also How to use the School Meal Balances Page

From the left Menu go to Config > MyChildAtSchool > Dinner Money.

Dinner Money Settings

This will display the Dinner Money page.

Where the Dinner Money Settings, Dinner Money Reminders, Dinner Money – Menus and Dinner Money Collection options can be setup.

Text/Colour Settings:

  • Enable Dinner Money Module – Tick this to Enable and display the Dinner Money Module on MCAS.
  • Select which Year Groups can use Dinner Money on MCAS – Click in the field box and select the desired Year Groups, each Year Group selected will be displayed and can be removed by clicking the white X.
  • Dinner Money Panel Title – The Title entered here will be what is seen for the Widget on MCAS.
  • Dinner Money Panel Subtitle – The Subtitle entered here will be visible for the Widget on MCAS, this can be left as default or changed.
  • Credit Balance Summary Statement – This can be left as default or changed.
  • Credit Balance Summary Colour – This is set by default to Green but can be changed using the Colour Picker.
  • Debit Balance Summary Statement – This can be left as default or changed.
  • Debit Balance Summary Colour – This is set by default to Red but can be changed using the Colour Picker.

Tick boxes:

  • Show Dinner Details – This will show Parents their Account Balance with a Summary of recent Meals taken by the Student.
  • Send Dinner Money Reminders when balance is low – When ticked, a message will be sent to the User when their Dinner Money balance falls below the specified minimum amount.
  • Do not allow parents to create negative balances for Dinner Menu purchases – When selected, if the Dinner Money will go into a Negative Balance a Message will be given to the Parent when using MCAS that their Balance will need Topping Up.
  • Apply a minimum deposit amount – when the box is ticked a Minimum Amount option is displayed, enter the Minimum Amount a Parent can enter when using MCAS

Note: Moving the mouse pointer over the i Information icon will display the following Message: If selected, any Dinner Menu selection by a parent in MyChildAtSchool that will result in a negative balance will force the parent to top up their dinner money balance. This will prevent any parent from creating a negative balance.

Dinner Money Balance Reminders

When the Send Dinner Money Reminders when balance is low option is ticked the Dinner Money Reminders panel to the right become enabled allowing you to you to create a message.

Dinner Menus

The Dinner Money – Menus, if enabled allows Parents to select Meals from the Dinner Menu.

  • Enable Parents to select a menu item in MCAS – tick to enable a Dinner Menu from which Parents can choose Meal options
  • Create a cut-off time after which parents can no longer make selections or changes – select how many days before the Meal options can be selected or changes can be made and how many Weeks before
  • Set how far in advance parents can make menu selections – this can be the number of Days or a Specific Date

Note: Selecting the Set a specific date option, will not allow the Parent to select a Meal on or after that Date.

Dinner Money Collection

When the Enable Dinner Money Collection box is ticked the options to assign Years for either Dinner Money Collection using Use Bromcom Dinner Money box or Cashless Catering Collection using the Use Cashless Catering box is available. You won’t be able to edit this section yourself, however you can contact Bromcom Customer Support who will be able to edit this section for you.

If a Student moves from a Year Group between Bromcom Dinner Money and Cashless Catering, they may have existing Balances that need moving. A new panel Incorrect Dinner Balances will be displayed beneath the Dinner Money Collection panel. Select the Balances to be moved and click the Move Selected Balances button, then select Cancel or Proceed from the Confirmation message.

When finished click on the Save button.

Updated on June 25, 2024

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