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  4. How to Create/Edit and Update Base Pay Structures

How to Create/Edit and Update Base Pay Structures

Northern Ireland

This guide will show you how to Create Staff Pay Scales and how to Update and Edit them. These are created in Administration then they are added to Staff Records through the Staff Profile Page and the Contracts tab.

Access: the minimum permissions required to access Base Pay Structure is found in Administration>Maintenance Module from Config>Setup>Roles and Permissions



  • Details of Pay Scales and Salary Amounts
  • Check that your Regional Pay Spine is correct – Config > Administration > Administration Defaults – ensure it is set to the correct Regional Pay Spine for your area. You also have the option to Allow multiple regions in Scale Point Groups
Regional Pay Spine Options

Creating a Base Pay Structure

From the left Menu go to Config > Administration > Base Pay Structure.


Click New to create a new Base Pay Structure.

New Base Pay Structure

The first section is the Base Pay Structure Panel.

Base Pay Structure

Fields with a * must be completed.

  • Code – this could be NJC or MPS, for example
  • Description – this is the name of your Base Pay Structure
  • Base Pay Category – this is a pre defined dropdown that you can chose the DfE Payscale Name that corresponds to your Base Pay Structure
  • Active – the enables the Base Pay Structure so that it is available to select in the Contract area of Staff Profiles
  • Hours Worked/Week – This is the maximum number of hours worked per week and will be used in the Pro-rata calculation.
  • Weeks Worked/Year – This is the maximum number of weeks worked per year and will be used in the Pro-rata calculation

The next section down is to add the Scale Point Group. You may add just one Scale Point Group – for example – Main Pay Scale Teachers – you could just do one group, giving it a Code and Description. Then click Save.

Add/Edit Scale Point Groups

Or if you have a number of different roles within that Base Pay you may chose to split them up and create a Scale Point Group for each, as in the following image.

Please note – the Scale Point Group Code that you chose is the one that is displayed in the dropdown selection box in the Contract area on the Staff Profile.

Scale Point Groups

To create your Spine Points for each Scale Point, select the Scale Point so it is high-lighted.

Then click Add on the Spine Points.

Spine Points

The following box will appear, you can add the Name of your Spine Point, Description and Value.

New Spine Point

The Description is the selection list that will appear in the Contract area for you to chose the Spine Point from.

The Value is the full time salary for that Spine Point.

Once you have completed your first Spine Point, please click add to add the next. Repeat until you have added all Spine Points for that Scale Point.

Click the Save button in the top left of the page

In the example your Trust has Teachers (or any members of Staff) who’s Regions are different then you would change the Region drop down and add in the relevant Values.

In the example below we have added in the Spine Points for Region: Rest of England and Wales

Example Entries

If we have Staff across different regions we would change the Region dropdown and enter the relevant Values as per the example below. Click Save once you are happy with the data.

Editing a Base Pay Structure

To edit your Base Pay Structure, Highlight the one you wish to edit and click the Edit button to open it. Then you can view each area and add Spine Points for example or new Scale Points.

Additional options to Hide Inactive Groups and to Sort the columns have been added to the Scale Points Groups panel.

Importing and Exporting Base Pay Structures

You also have the option to Export a Base Pay Structure to be shared with another school site. As well as this you can Import a Base Pay Structure from another school site to either create a new Base Pay Structure or update an existing one.

To Export a Base Pay Structure, from within Config > Administration > Base Pay Structures, select the Base Pay Structure you would like to Export, and click Export at the top of the screen.


This will Export your Base Pay Structure, including all historical Versions and Spine Points, this will download as an XML file that you can use to Import to another school site.

You can use the Import function to create a new Base Pay Structure or update an existing one. If the Name of the Base Pay Structure in the Import file is the same as a Base Pay Structure that currently exists on your system, the Import will automatically update the current Base Pay Structure with that name. If there is no existing Base Pay Structure matching the name of the Base Pay Structure in the Import file, a new Base Pay Structure will be created.

Note: When using the Import function to update an existing Base Pay Structure the import will overwrite any data with the information contained in the Import file, including historical information.

To Import a Base Pay Structure, click Import at the top of the screen.


This will open My Files in a pop-up, locate the Base Pay Structure file, select it and click Open.

My Files

This will prompt the following Warning, Click Proceed.


You will receive confirmation in the top right hand corner that the Base Pay Structure has imported successfully.


If you are importing a new Base Pay Structure then the newly imported Base Pay Structure will appear in the list for you to select and Edit as normal.

Imported Base Pay Structure

If you are updating an existing Base Pay Structure, select the Base Pay Structure you would like to update and click Edit. Then check that the Versions and Spine Points have updated correctly from the Import.


This guide will show you how to Create Staff Pay Scales and how to Update and Edit them. These are created in Administration then they are added to Staff Records through the Staff Profile Page and the Contracts tab.

Access: the minimum permissions required to access Base Pay Structure is found in Administration>Maintenance Module from Config>Setup>Roles and Permissions



  • Details of Pay Scales and Salary Amounts
  • Check that your Regional Pay Spine is correct – Config > Administration > Administration Defaults – ensure it is set to the correct Regional Pay Spine for your area. You also have the option to Allow multiple regions in Scale Point Groups
Regional Pay Spine Options

Creating a Base Pay Structure

From the left Menu go to Config > Administration > Base Pay Structure.


Click New to create a new Base Pay Structure.

New Base Pay Structure

The first section is the Base Pay Structure Panel.

Base Pay Structure

Fields with a * must be completed.

  • Code – this could be NJC or MPS, for example
  • Description – this is the name of your Base Pay Structure
  • Base Pay Category – this is a pre defined dropdown that you can chose the DfE Payscale Name that corresponds to your Base Pay Structure
  • Active – the enables the Base Pay Structure so that it is available to select in the Contract area of Staff Profiles
  • Hours Worked/Week – This is the maximum number of hours worked per week and will be used in the Pro-rata calculation.
  • Weeks Worked/Year – This is the maximum number of weeks worked per year and will be used in the Pro-rata calculation

The next section down is to add the Scale Point Group. You may add just one Scale Point Group – for example – Main Pay Scale Teachers – you could just do one group, giving it a Code and Description. Then click Save.

Add/Edit Scale Point Groups

Or if you have a number of different roles within that Base Pay you may chose to split them up and create a Scale Point Group for each, as in the following image.

Please note – the Scale Point Group Code that you chose is the one that is displayed in the dropdown selection box in the Contract area on the Staff Profile.

Scale Point Groups

To create your Spine Points for each Scale Point, select the Scale Point so it is high-lighted.

Then click Add on the Spine Points.

Spine Points

The following box will appear, you can add the Name of your Spine Point, Description and Value.

New Spine Point

The Description is the selection list that will appear in the Contract area for you to chose the Spine Point from.

The Value is the full time salary for that Spine Point.

Once you have completed your first Spine Point, please click add to add the next. Repeat until you have added all Spine Points for that Scale Point.

Click the Save button in the top left of the page

In the example your Trust has Teachers (or any members of Staff) who’s Regions are different then you would change the Region drop down and add in the relevant Values.

In the example below we have added in the Spine Points for Region: Rest of England and Wales

Example Entries

If we have Staff across different regions we would change the Region dropdown and enter the relevant Values as per the example below. Click Save once you are happy with the data.

Editing a Base Pay Structure

To edit your Base Pay Structure, Highlight the one you wish to edit and click the Edit button to open it. Then you can view each area and add Spine Points for example or new Scale Points.

Additional options to Hide Inactive Groups and to Sort the columns have been added to the Scale Points Groups panel.

Importing and Exporting Base Pay Structures

You also have the option to Export a Base Pay Structure to be shared with another school site. As well as this you can Import a Base Pay Structure from another school site to either create a new Base Pay Structure or update an existing one.

To Export a Base Pay Structure, from within Config > Administration > Base Pay Structures, select the Base Pay Structure you would like to Export, and click Export at the top of the screen.


This will Export your Base Pay Structure, including all historical Versions and Spine Points, this will download as an XML file that you can use to Import to another school site.

You can use the Import function to create a new Base Pay Structure or update an existing one. If the Name of the Base Pay Structure in the Import file is the same as a Base Pay Structure that currently exists on your system, the Import will automatically update the current Base Pay Structure with that name. If there is no existing Base Pay Structure matching the name of the Base Pay Structure in the Import file, a new Base Pay Structure will be created.

Note: When using the Import function to update an existing Base Pay Structure the import will overwrite any data with the information contained in the Import file, including historical information.

To Import a Base Pay Structure, click Import at the top of the screen.


This will open My Files in a pop-up, locate the Base Pay Structure file, select it and click Open.

My Files

This will prompt the following Warning, Click Proceed.


You will receive confirmation in the top right hand corner that the Base Pay Structure has imported successfully.


If you are importing a new Base Pay Structure then the newly imported Base Pay Structure will appear in the list for you to select and Edit as normal.

Imported Base Pay Structure

If you are updating an existing Base Pay Structure, select the Base Pay Structure you would like to update and click Edit. Then check that the Versions and Spine Points have updated correctly from the Import.


Updated on July 11, 2024

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