This will allow User Defined Panels to be added to both the Student and Staff Details pages. User Defined Panels can be reported on via Reports > Quick Reports.
Note: Existing User Defined Fields cannot be moved into the User Defined Panels. The concept is different as the User Defined Panels can hold multiple records and User Defined Fields do not.
Access: The minimum permissions required to access User Defined Panels can be found in the Administration module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.

See also Reporting Overview.
Creating a User Defined Panel
First the Panels will have to be created to do this from the left Menu select Config > Administration > User Defined Panels.

Click New.

This will open the Add User Defined Panel page.

- Name – name of the Panel
- Description – description of the Panel
- Data Group – use the dropdown list to select either Student or Staff Details
- Data Area – this is the tab for the page you want the Panel to display on
For Students this will be – Profile, Enrolment, Health Background, Communication, Assessment, Attendance, Behaviour, Clubs & Trips, Safeguarding or Documents
For Staff this will be – Profile, Timetable, Absences & Leave Requests, Claims, Contracts, Qualifications, Performance Management, Background Check or Documents - Start Date – date the Panel is to display from
- End Date – date the Panel is no longer displayed from
- Columns – enter the number of Columns to be displayed, this can be 1 to 4
- Rows – enter the number of Rows to be displayed, this can be 1 to 20
- Permitted Roles – use the dropdown list to select the User Roles for Staff who will be able to see and use this Panel [Administrator is there by default but can be removed by clicking on the X]
Note: All of the options except the End Date are Mandatory.

Click on the + icon to add the details for each of the Fields.
- Field Name – is the Name that will be displayed
- Field Type – is the type of entry for the Field
This can be True/False, Date, Text, Number/Currency, Text (Multiline), Dropdown-Single or Dropdown – Multiple - Mandatory – tick this box to make it Mandatory to add an input
- Show in Panel – tick this box to show this Field in the Panel
Note: When the True/False option is selected the the field becomes Mandatory automatically and the Mandatory tick box is removed.
Note: When the Dropdown Single or Dropdown Multiple is selected the User selects from an added List. Selecting either a Single entry or a Multiple entry.

When finished the cells will display the Name and Field Type of entry.

Clicking on a cell will give the option to Delete it by clicking on the Bin icon top right or to change the order by dragging the cell to the place of another to swap them.

When finished click on the Create button, the new User Defined Panel will then be displayed in the User Defined Panel list. Showing the Name it was given, the Data Group it was added to, the Data Area it will be visible in and if it is Active or not.

It can also be Deleted, Edited or Previewed by clicking the Panel in the list on the right to open the Edit User Defined Panel section.

You can also Delete a User Defined Panel by selecting it in the list on the right and pressing Delete.

The Preview option allows you to see what the Panel will look like and to test it.

Viewing a Created User Defined Panel
Once the User Defined Panel has been created and the Fields have been ticked to Show in Panel it can be accessed in the Student or Staff Details page under the tab it was added to.
This example was added to the Students Profile, to see it go to Students > select one or more Students > View > Profile. Where you can then either scroll to the bottom of the page or click on the All option and select the Panel from the dropdown list.

The Panel will then be displayed and if not filled in can be done so by clicking the + icon top right and clicking Save when finished.