Note: All pages below are subject to having the relevant Roles and Permissions.
Staff can use this guide to help Set up the End Of Year Dashboard in preparation for performing any End of Year routines. It is not exhaustive and we recommend you use this alongside the appropriate End of Year manuals below;
Note: If you are using a migrated system and a new Academic Year is already in place which has a start day that is not a Sunday then a warning to contact helpdesk on 020 8290 7177 will appear before the End of Year Dashboard Introduction Page.
Use this guide to:
Then Access the End of Year Dashboard to see the following panels;
- Introduction
- Progress Bar
- Ending this Year
- Setting up Next Year
- Curriculum
- Attendance, MCAS & Student Portal and Behaviour
- Health Check
Note: The toggle functions ( status column) in this dashboard are for visual purposes only.
Edit Permissions for the End of Year Dashboard
Permissions to see the End of Year Dashboard are found in Config>Setup>Roles and Permissions.
The specific permission is called End of Year Checklist under the Profile Module, please see How to Edit a Role and its Permissions.
Configure the End of Year Introduction Pop Up.
From the Home Screen choose Config>Administration>Administration Defaults.
Note: the End of Year Introduction will only open as pop out when first loading the Dashboard or if the Display End of Year Checklist has been ticked off/on in Administration Defaults.
Once the page loads, ensure Display End of Year Checklist is ticked and press Save.
Access the End of Year Dashboard
From the Home Screen click on End of Year.
Note: the first time the End of Year Dashboard is accessed the End of Year Introduction will pop up.
Click on the drop down arrow to see the expanded view for How to use this checklist.
Note: Click on the Introduction link to read the instructions even if you have done this before.
Progress Bar
The Progress bar will measure and display progress in the 3 areas below ;
Note: the numbers on each section are percentage progress so when complete each section will show 100.
Clicking on each bar will take you to the appropriate section in the End of Year Dashboard.
- Ending This Year
- Setting up Next Year
- Key Tasks.
Ending this Year
Read ‘Before setting up a new academic year check’
The system will check the current academic year end date and display that date in the Ending This Year panel.
Red Warnings will appear if the end date of the current academic year is not the last Saturday of August or not a Saturday.
The system will accept any Saturday as the end date of the current academic year however, a warning will appear if any other day is found. In this exceptional case follow the guidance to correct the day.
Click on the Help Centre Links to read guidance and then Click on the Link to perform each process.
Below are some examples of what your Ending this Year panel may look like. These screenshots are for illustration only and may not reflect your schools view.
Example 1: the Current Year End Date is the last Saturday in August and no teaching classes have end dates exceeding this date.
Note: If your school has already set up a new academic year and the class end dates are in line with the new academic year you will see the Example 1 screen.
Example 2: the Tutor Group End Dates have been managed manually and the Complete box has been ticked.
Example 3: the Current Year End Date is the last Saturday in August however, the teaching classes end dates are after this date.
Example 4: Some teaching classes end after Current Year End Date but the user accepts this.
Note: The Status does not change if the user has accepted this process even if the Current Year End Date is changed and more classes now exceed that date. However, if Current Year End Date is changed and all teaching classes are within that boundary, the status will show as Example 1.
Once complete tick Complete.
Setting Up Next Year
For Primary Schools there is an option to view as Read Only.
By default the Setting Up Next Year panel will assume your Period Structure is staying the same for the next academic year and the Status will show as an X as appose to Yes.
Note: toggling the Status to Yes will not create a new Period Structure. The toggle is for visual purposes only.
Through this Curriculum checklist you can set up the New Academic Year using the End of Year Wizard via the Task How you created the New Academic Year. The wizard relies on a Period Structure already being created.
If you are using a new Period Structure for the next academic year click on the Status button to move to a Tick then you will have the option to choose a either a Regular or Irregular Period Structure.
If Irregular follow the Links to set up your new Period Structure.
Once each task is complete tick Complete.
Once you have created your new Period Structure or your Period Structure is staying the same you can then go on to Create a New Academic Year again reading guidance in the Help Centre and following the Link to the End of Year Wizard which will guide you through the process.
Important Reminder: please remember to click Proceed on the last screen of the End of Year Wizard to complete the process.
On the status for creating the New Academic Year this will update to Yes once the New Year is in place.
Once each task is complete tick Complete.
Once the New Academic Year has been created a list of manual checks will appear and a summary of dates.
Read guidance on each of the tasks from the Help Centre and follow the Link to complete each process.
Once each task is complete tick Complete.
Read guidance on each of the tasks from the Help Centre and follow the Link to complete each process.
Once each task is complete tick Complete.
Note: some of the tasks will not have a tick box to Complete, they will have a visual Status as either Yes or No. Use the Tooltips for further guidance.
Important: Primary Schools will not see any Teaching Class Tasks.
For Secondary only the Task Do all Students from Y7-Y11 have a full timetable for next year. Clicking on Students Missing a Lesson will take you to Analysis Exports for Attendance.
From the Export drop down choose Empty Timetable Entries and define the start and end dates for the next academic year. Export to see the report.
See also: How to Check all Students in Yr7 – Y11 have a full timetable.
Attendance, MCAS & Student Portal and Behaviour
Read guidance on each of the tasks from the Help Centre and follow the Link to complete each process.
The Yes/No Status Toggle will do a system check for the current academic year to see if MCAS Accounts , Student Portal Accounts or Behaviour Detention Schedules are active.
The status is a manual toggle for each and may be changed if your status for these items is changing.
If the status is changed to no then the checklist tasks will not appear.
Once each task is complete tick Complete.
Health Check
Click Health Check : This summarises 4 Key Structures within the End of Year process for your reference with option to Print the Health Check.
Print a Copy for your reference as this will show any Staff Days that have been defined in the End of Year Wizard Process.
A link to the Academic Days page is also available if required.
Note: The examples below are for illustration only , these may not reflect your schools view.
4 Key Structures
- Calendar
- Groups and Timetables
- Student Population
- Behaviour Actions, MCAS and Register Parameter Checks
It will also show Student Population on the first academic day of the new year.