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  4. How to Create and Book a Running Balance Club
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  3. How to Create and Book a Running Balance Club

How to Create and Book a Running Balance Club

Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.

Use this guide to see the different Payment Options for Enrol to Sessions or Indicate Preferences when creating and administering a Running Balance Club and how the views and payment options available differ for Parents when booking the Club in MCAS on a Desktop.

  • Creating the Club
  • Parent View for Enrol to Sessions
  • Parent View for Indicate Preferences
  • Administering a Club with Indicate Preferences

See also: How to Create a Club or Trip and How to Edit and Maintain a Club

Creating the Club

If when creating a new Club if you have chosen the Payment Type as Running Balance.

Running Balance

Then in the next part of creating the club in Additional Group Details you can then choose from the MCAS Buying Option drop down to either Enrol to Sessions or Indicate Preferences.

If you choose Enrol to Sessions this creates a bill for the Parent to pay on MCAS.

If you choose Indicate Preferences this has to be managed in School by a member of staff to create the order from the Preferences submitted by the Parent on MCAS.

MCAS Buying Option

Parents Enrol to Sessions View

Below is an example of a the Parent MCAS View for a Running Balance Club with Enrol to Sessions selected.

Firstly on the left hand menu MCAS Desktop menu Parents choose Wraparound Care to see Running Balance Clubs

Wraparound Care

From here the Parent can see the Available Wraparound Care Clubs with the Club Name, Teacher, Next Session, Weekday, Start Time, Duration and Cost.

Available Clubs

The Parent can then click on the spy glass to see the following information

Club Information

They then click on the blue boxes in the grid and then click Enrol, note the Next Button to see next weeks sessions.

Click to Select Sessions

The Parent then gets a Confirmation pop up detailing the number of sessions and the cost.


The Wraparound Care Clubs screen now shows the sessions and costs with the option to Add to Basket, Message the Club Teacher or View the Sessions to Amend.

Add to Basket

If Add to Basket is selected the Parent then enters the amount they wish to pay and confirms Add to Basket and goes on to Checkout and enter payment information.

Parents Indicate Preferences View

Below is an example of a the Parent MCAS View for a Running Balance Club with Indicate Preferences.

Club Information

In this example the Parent ticks the days of the week they wish the child to attend and click Submit.

Select Preferencs

The Available Clubs the Morning School SP shows as below ‘Awaiting Confirmation’

In this example the Morning School Club ER with the 12.50 bill is set up as Enrol to Sessions – see previous instruction in this guide.

Awaiting Confirmation

Administering the Club for Indicate Preferences

When the Club administrator in School goes into the Club from Groups>Group Type = Clubs & Trips>Select the Club and View in the Student Memberships Panel you can now see the requested sessions in Blue.

Student Memberships

Select the Student and Auto Allocate with the option to choose the cost and the start and end dates

Auto Allocate

Or Click on the right hand Spy Glass for the Student.

Then choose Edit Sessions

In this example the Parent has Submitted Wednesday and Thursday however, the administrator has confirmed only Wednesday as MS the payment code for the session and chosen Remove for the Thursday.

Use the Membership Notes to add any Notes if required.

Click Save.

Now we can see 11 sessions have been added with an outstanding amount.

If required you can still amend memberships for individual sessions by clicking Move Forwards, then click on the Blue Cell for the Session and click the White Box to remove the Student from the Session.

Remove from Session
Updated on May 30, 2024

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