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  4. How to Edit and Maintain a Club or Trip
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  4. How to Edit and Maintain a Club or Trip

How to Edit and Maintain a Club or Trip

In this guide, you will be shown how to edit and maintain a Club or a Trip from within the Groups page. This covers the following processes;

Access: The minimum permissions required to edit Groups>Clubs are found in the Framework Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.


See also: How to Create a Club or Trip and How to Send an SMS Message

Modify a Club or Trip

From Groups change the Group Type drop down to Club & Trips .The Clubs & Trips drop down covers Clubs, Trips and Running Balance Clubs.

Then click on the Clubs & Trips you want to Modify ( you can select more than one) then click View

Clicking View will allow you to Modify and Update the Settings and amend Members, as you did when you created it.

There are certain areas that cannot be amended or can only be amended under specific conditions:

  • End Date: You cannot add or change the End Date for any Club once it has been created, if you need to change the end date for a Club please contact Bromcom Support.
  • Payment Type: Once the Club has been created you cannot amend the Payment Type.
  • Edit Payment Options: Whilst you are able to Edit Payment Options, the changes you make will only apply to future orders, so if orders have already been created for the Club, any changes made to Payment Options will not apply to any existing orders.
  • Consent Required: Once any of the Students with a Membership in the club has made a payment towards the club you will not be able to change the Consent Required field.

In the example below we have changed the location of the selected Club on one date

Change Location

For a more detailed look at making changes to Clubs please see How to Create a Club or Trip.

Send an SMS or Email

You can also use the Groups page to update contacts on Club information or send reminders. For example use this process to send a message to the parents of students assigned to a Club when a Club is cancelled or the Club time has changed.

To send an SMS or  Email go to Groups > Club then click on the Club to select it, and from the Actions dropdown select Send SMS/Email

Select Send SMS/Email

In this example we have chosen SMS from the Message Type dropdown. You can change this to Email if required. For Emails you have the option to attach a document to the Email.

Example SMS

On the Send SMS and Emails page enter the details in the same way you normally would to send a Message.  See also: How to Send an SMS Message.

Delete a Club

To Delete a Club go to Groups>Group Type = Clubs & Trips then click on the Club or Trip and from the Actions dropdown select Delete


Please note a Club cannot be Deleted if any of the following apply:

  • It contains active Student Memberships
  • Club sessions have been held
  • Payments have been made towards the club.

If you attempt to Delete a Club that falls into one or more of these criteria, you will receive the following message.

Take Registers

To Take a Register for a Club go to Groups>Club then click on the Club and from the Actions dropdown select Attendance.


Complete the Register as normal and click Save when finished.

Note: It may be that not all Attendance Codes are available for use with Clubs and Trips. The Attendance Codes available for use with Clubs and Trips are configured in Config > Curriculum > Clubs and Trips Settings.

Use the Date ranges to look for different Dates, this defaults to the current week.

Example Club Attendance

Use the top right Download icon or 3 vertical bars to Download a copy of the Register or add or remove additional columns to your Register

Download and Add/Remove Data

Add Behaviour Events

To record an Individual Behaviour Event against Students who attended a Club, go to the Student List Page, select the requires Students and add the Event in the normal way.

To add a Behaviour Event for the entire Group, go to Groups > Club then click on the Club and from the Actions dropdown select Behaviour Event.

Behaviour Event

This will display the Behaviour Entry panel. The options displayed may vary dependant on how your Behaviour Module has been set up.

Behaviour Entry Example

Find Dietary Requirements

To view the Dietary and Medical Requirements for the entire Club, got to Groups select the Club and on Actions dropdown select Dietary & Medical. Here you can view, export or create a PDF of any Requirements the Students in the Group have.

This may be useful in the event that you need to provide food for the Club.

Dietary & Medical

Click on the Grid Actions to Copy, Export in Excel, CSV or PDF and Print the list.

Example Dietary and Medical Requirements

Copy a Club or Trip

If you want to create Groups with similar characteristics, from Groups select your Club and from Actions select Copy Group.  it will allow you to create a subsequent Group with different times and dates.  

Copy Group

Refund Bespoke Amounts

Users can refund deposits and instalments at the point of removing Students from instalment clubs and trips in the Clubs & Trips page, with the ability to refund a bespoke amount.

Go to Groups>Group Type>Clubs & Trips>View

Scroll down to Student Membership. Select Student>Delete 

Then the Remove Participant popup will open, for Instalment clubs and trips only, displaying the student’s paid and outstanding instalments. In here, a full or partial refund for any paid item can be issued. 

Image #1

Delete the Student and refund paid items:

  • Simply select the relevant items and click Refund Selected Items, users will be asked to confirm the cancellation and refund amount. When choosing to refund, please note the following:
    • Ticking Select All or Deposit checkboxes will select all Paid items. Users can deselect instalments if necessary.
    • The Deposit can only be refunded if all Paid Instalments have also been refunded. 
    • The Refund Amount can be amended as long as the value is equal to or less than the Amount Paid.
    • The Amount to Refund total at the bottom of the popup will tally with the value to be refunded to the originator.
  • After clicking Proceed with Refund the following is actioned:
    • The Amount to Refund will be refunded back to the originator.
    • Parent portal > MyChildAtSchool > Outstanding Payments: The club/trip will be removed from the student’s page. Refunded and Cancelled instalments will no longer show for parents.
    • Groups > Clubs & Trips: The student will be removed from the Student Membership panel.
    • Students > Student Details > Clubs & Trips: The club/trip will be removed from the student’s page.  
    • MCAS > View Orders: Status is updated to Refunded on Paid Items and Cancelled on Outstanding Items.
Image #2

Delete the student without a refund:

  • Simply click Proceed without Refund, users will be asked to confirm the cancellation without a refund and the following is actioned (current functionality):
    • Parent portal > MyChildAtSchool > Outstanding Payments: The club/trip will be removed from the student’s page. Cancelled instalments will no longer show for parents.
    • Groups > Clubs & Trips: The student will be removed from the Student Membership panel.
    • Students > Student Details > Clubs & Trips: The club/trip will be removed from the studnet’s page.
    • MCAS > View Orders: Status is updated to Cancelled.
Image #3

Note: Users are still able to cancel orders for instalment clubs and trips in Modules > MyChildAtSchool > Online Payment > View Orders. See How to Manage View Orders

Updated on July 12, 2024

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