In this guide, we will cover how to configure your SMTP and Email settings within Bromcom MIS. This guide will include a section for each of the three points below;
- How to use Bromcom’s SMTP (mail) service
- How to use your own SMTP (mail) service
- Frequently Asked Questions (Bromcom’s SMTP Service)
Pre-requisites: Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with your mail usage and any limits/minimum requirements before deciding which service to use.
See also: How to troubleshoot Emails, How to send an SMS or Email and Bromcom SMTP Service FAQs.
Bromcom’s SMTP Service
Bromcom offers a free SMTP Service which provides 3000 Emails per month, free of charge.
This is a base allowance which resets on the 1st of each month, so any unused Email Credits do not roll over.
If you use Bromcom’s SMTP Service and you exceed 3000 Emails within a month, you will need to purchase additional Credits and any users with the Administrator role will receive the following Email;

To purchase additional Credits, you can go to Modules > Communication > Communication > Overview and press Buy E-Mail Credit.

Alternatively, you can click on the click here button near the bottom of the Email.

Our prices can be found below, if you wish to purchase the Bromcom SMTP please see How to Purchase Email Credits

To start using Bromcom’s SMTP Service, from the left Menu go to Config > Setup > System Settings.

Once the page loads, use the radio button to select Bromcom SMTP Service.
Note: The From E-mail Address field will be greyed out and can’t be changed. All Emails leaving the MIS will come from [SiteID]
You can configure the reply Email address by going to Config > Communications > Configurations and updating the School Email field.

Once you are happy with the settings, click the Save button.
Any Emails sent from your system will now deliver to Bromcom’s SMTP Server, which will then deliver the Emails to the required destinations.
Your own SMTP Server
From the left Menu go to Config > Setup > System Settings, where you will have the option to select your own SMTP Service.
This means that the delivery of Emails will be handled by your Internal Servers once they leave the MIS.

Use the radio button to select Your Own SMTP Server.
The key options here are the From E-mail Address and Server related fields. These will enable you to send Emails using your own server and you should speak with your internal IT if you are unsure of any of these options.

Once you are happy with the settings, click the Save button.
Note: If you choose to use your own SMTP Server, it is entirely down to you to configure and troubleshoot the Server because Bromcom cannot access internal IT servers.
However, should you experience any problems with Emails when you are using the Bromcom SMTP Service, there are a number of checks that can be carried out.
Access: There are three sets of permissions which you will require to follow this guide, each of them are shown below in the Communication and Setup Modules of Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.
Provides access to Modules > Communication > Overview;

Provides access to Config > Communication > Configurations.

Provides access to Config > Setup > System Settings.

How to setup MailGun
If you wish to use MailGun to send out emails from the MIS then please use the settings in the screen shot below.
Note that the From and Server Username are examples and you will need to enter in your own account details and Server Password.