The Daily Maintenance Settings are a group of processes that are performed automatically on a daily basis. This guide will take a look at each of the Daily Maintenance Tasks and how they can help you in maintaining the data you have stored in Bromcom.
Access: The permissions to access Daily Maintenance Settings can be found in the Setup module from within Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions.
See Also: System Speed Check Guidance
Daily Maintenance Settings are found in Config > Setup > Daily Maintenance Settings.
Please see below a brief description of each of the options.
- 1) Daily Maintenance Pre-Run – Does a soft run of all the selected Daily Maintenance Tasks and refreshes cached data.
- 2) Populate CTF Stage Assessments – Updates any Stage Assessment Information, FSP Grades and SEN Information in the database.
- 3) Remove Expired Email Pages – Removes any Email related Notifications from Bromcom where the related Email was sent more than 720 minutes ago.
- 4) Remove Expired One Way Messages – Removes any One Way Messages that are more than 3 days old. For more information on One Way Messages please see OWM One Way Messages.
- 5) Tidy-Up Student Memberships – Updates Student Memberships, merges duplicate memberships with overlapping dates and where a current Students Membership in a Year Group ends before the end of the Academic Year the dates will be corrected.
- 6) Update Built-In Report Groups – Updates the Student Memberships in all system generated Report Groups (these are any Report Groups that begin with (Y), (S) or (V)), any Students who meet the requirements of that group will be added. For example, if you added Pupil Premium status to a Student, they would be added to the Report Group (V) Pupil Premium the next time Daily Maintenance is run.
- 7) Update Calendar Intervals – Checks for any data misalignment within Period Structures and updates accordingly.
- 8) Transfer – Backup – Restore Attendances – All Attendance Marks are backed up and any missing marks are restored where they have been previously recorded and then removed. For example, if a historical timetabled session had been deleted in error, then re-instated, the previously recorded Attendance would be restored.
- 9) Transfer Student Attendances – Where a Student has Attendance in a class that they are no longer a member of, but they have another class timetabled in the same Day and Period as the previous class, the Attendance will be transferred to the currently timetabled class.
- 10) Create/Update/Delete Tutor Group Timetables – Ensures that all active Tutor Groups have timetabled sessions for every AM and PM Session for all listed Tutors. If you have Tutor Groups that are shared between Staff Members, with each Staff Member having their own specific sessions you may wish to turn this off as it will automatically create sessions for each linked Staff Member for every AM and PM session.
- 11) Update Attendance Headers – Ensures all Attendance Marks entered through a Class Register are written back correctly. This can be run manually through Modules > Attendance > Today’s Missing Registers by selecting Update Headers.
- 12) Update Collection Names – Where you have added an End Date to a group so that it expires in a previous Academic Year it will add the relevant Academic Year in brackets at the end of the group name. For example, if you have a Teaching Class called 08A, and you added an End Date to that group of 20/06/23, running this process would update the Group Name to 08A (22/23) so you can re-use the Group Name and easily identify which is the current group.
- 13) Populate CTF Attendance Histories – Updates the system with any Attendance Data that has been imported via CTF.
- 14) Transfer Analysis Data – Pulls through Assessment Data, Exam data and Headline Figures into the Analysis module for use in the relevant dashboards. This can be performed manually through Modules > Analysis > Analysis Data Transfer.
- 15) Reindex Database Tables – General Database maintenance to conserve database performance.
- 16) Shrink Database Logs and Temporary Database – Maintains log files and temporary databases stored on the server.
- 17) Clear Audit Tables (Anything Older Than 6 Months) – Removes all Audit records that are more than 6 months old.
- IMPORTANT:Do Not untick this without first contacting support as this may negatively impact the performance of your school site.
- 18) Late Process – Updates Late codes to U marks, depending on which settings you have selected in Config > Attendance > Register Update Parameters. For more information on using Register Update Parameters please see How to Use Register Update Parameters.
- 19) Attendance Backup with @RemoveNoTimetable=1 – Removes Attendance and Attendance History Data from the main Attendance database tables and moves it into backup tables. Attendance is moved based on the Attendance Records meeting one of the following conditions.
- The Student enrolment Start Date or End Date does not clash with the date the Attendance was recorded.
- The Group Start Date or End Date does not clash with the date the Attendance was recorded.
- The Start Date or End Date of the Students Membership in the group does not clash with the date the Attendance was recorded.
- 20) Calculate Dinner Charges Cache – Calculates Dinner Balances based on the charges associated with your Meal Definitions and updates the Cache. For example, if you have changed the charge associated with a particular Meal Definitions and back dated the change, the dinner balances of all Students/Staff who have taken a meal using this Meal Definition will be updated to reflect the new charge.
- 21) Students School History Merge & Populate – Checks the School History of all Students and corrects the School History based on their enrolment status. For example if there are 2 entries in School History for the same school with overlapping dates, this task will merge the 2 entries.
- 22) Update “lives with” based on Student Sibling Addresses – Checks the Addresses of Siblings and updates status to Lives With where the Addresses are the same.
- 23) Fronter Export – Creates an export that can be read by Fronter, where you are using that software as a third party alongside Bromcom.
- 24) Refresh Dynamic Reporting Group Memberships – Updates the Student Memberships of any user created Dynamic Report Groups, adding any Students who meet the criteria and removing those that no longer meet the criteria.
- 25) Populate Cached Data – Cached data is temporary data that is stored to enable the site to load faster, this task clears temporary data in the system and updates it to ensure that any updated information is displayed correctly. This task can be run manually through Config > Setup > System Configurations by clicking Refresh System Cache.
- 26) Populate Cached UDF Data – Cached data is temporary data that is stored to enable the site to load faster, this task clears temporary data specifically relating to students and updates it to ensure that any updated information is displayed correctly. This task can be run manually through Config > Setup > System Configurations by clicking Refresh Student Cache.